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词汇 五颜六色
释义 五颜六色 wǔ yán liù sè 常用成语
all the colors of the rainbowall the colors of rainbowa rainbow of coloursall the colours of the rainbow繁体五顔六色近义五彩缤纷;万紫千红反义色彩单一变体五顏六色正音“色”,不能读作“shǎi”。
俄文рáзная окрáска и оттенкиразноцветный
德文bunt vielfarbig这在四川的拉夫史上是一桩奇迹,于是那些乡下人,哦了一声,立刻发出五颜六色的推测来了。沙汀《凶手》联合式:作谓语;定语;形容品种繁多;中性词。清 李汝珍《镜花缘》第14回:“惟各人所登之云,五颜六色,其形不一。”解释: 形容色彩繁多。清·李汝珍《镜花缘》二〇回:“山鸡起初也还勉强飞舞,后来因见孔雀这条长尾变出五颜六色,华彩夺目,金碧辉煌,未免自惭形秽。”
杨沫《青春之歌》二部三五章:“富丽堂皇的大厅,五颜十色的灯光,贵重的地毯,布满屋中的琳琅满目的罕见的古玩玉器……而其中最最特别的还是人。”近义词 色彩斑斓五彩缤纷五花八门五光十色光怪陆离五色缤纷万紫千红
反义词 色彩单一
他把这些五颜六色的小石头串成一串作为送给妹妹的礼物。He strung the coloured tiny stones together as a present for his sister.
金刚石在阳光下放出五颜六色的光芒。The diamond shone with every hue under the sun.五颜六色的气球腾空而起。
The colourful balloons rose high into the air.《新英汉大辞典》

The colorful penthouse suite features vibrant blue walls and red carpets, as well as an original Stanford White fireplace, leather chairs and a mahogany wood- beamed ceiling. yeeyan

把五颜六色的水果和蔬菜装在一个漂亮的碗里,然后放在光线明亮的地方; 相信你如果它们被这样精心地装扮过后,你会愿意多吃一点。
Put colorful fruits and vegetables in pretty bowls and stands in well- lit areas; you’ll eat more of them if they’re beautifully and conspicuously displayed. kekenet

The lamps of the gallery were full of gaseous neon, which made the light colorful. ebigear

The night before the festival opened, colorful tents had mushroomed in the village’s yards and common spaces, with others in the fields and woods. yeeyan

The wavelengths of visible light lie squarely in that range; the familiar result is that isolated soap bubbles display shimmering interference colors. yeeyan

On screen, the colors of pixels are a mix of red, green and blue values. A fourth value, opacity, controls how pixels blend with pixels laid over them. yeeyan

The suitcase was colorful with faded souvenir stickers from remote parts of the globe: Paris, Cairo, Venice, Vienna, Naples, Hamburg, Bombay, and so forth. yeeyan

The colorful effect is due to the diatom's silica cell wall, which encases the organism like a glassy shell. yeeyan

The packaging leads you to believe colorful fruits lie within. yeeyan

我不会包含进全部的 JSP,因为它在列表旁边建立了一个选择菜单,一个顶部有图像的很漂亮的表头,还有其它许多有趣的五颜六色的东西。
I won't include all of the JSP, because it builds selection menus along the sides of the list, a nice header with images at the top, and lots of other wonderful and colorful things. ibm

In the summer, its ice-cold, crystalline blue waters are transparent to a depth of40 meters131 feet, and colorful wildflowers bloom along its shores. yeeyan

Nowadays we fill shopping carts with various stuff in colorful packing, put bags with this stuff in cars and rush back home. yeeyan

The problem here is that we probably don't want the scoreboard to flash with pretty colors when the number displayed doesn't change. ibm

Dive like a secret agent, colourful shoals of fish swim past, corals shimmer in the distance, while you enjoy the endless tranquility and discover the whimsical beauty of an unknown underwater world. yeeyan

The perception of raw aridity is belied by a surprising amount of life: insects and lizards, the colorful opportunists. yeeyan

In Tawang’s hillside villages, where white stone houses flutter with colourful prayer- flags, the Chinese troops are remembered rather fondly for having leant a hand in the fields. yeeyan

The31-year-old full-time mum transforms plates of food into colourful animals, people and pictures to liven up meal times. yeeyan

These colorful fish have a layer of mucous that keeps the anemone from stinging it. yeeyan

Get ready to be surprised with the variety of colors, totally bizarre shapes, and, of course, the level of professionalism of those photographers who created such amazing pictures. yeeyan

New Hampshire, in the northeast area called New England, is the Granite State because of that colorful rock. tingvoa

Sometimes those moments are obvious things, like fireworks displays, or more mundane moments that made you smile, like a colorful array of candy. yeeyan

Once upon a time the colors of the world started to quarrel. All claimed that they were the best. ebigear

The nursery was decorated with colorful balloons. kekenet

A few blocks east of Gratiot, multicoloured polka dots, stripes and squiggles appear on the street, then the houses explode in a riot of colours and textures. ecocn




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