

单词 五花八门
释义 五花八门 wǔ huā bā mén 常用成语
rich in variety繁体五蘤八門近义形形色色;五光十色反义一成不变变体五花八門辨析五花八门和“五光十色”都含有花样繁多的意思。但五花八门多形容繁杂的事;偏重于门类的繁多;“五光十色”多形容艳丽的事物;多偏重于色泽的繁多。辨析五花八门和“五光十色”都含有花样繁多的意思。但五花八门多形容繁杂的事;偏重于门类的繁多;“五光十色”多形容艳丽的事物;多偏重于色泽的繁多。谜语各种各样的花样
法文moyens d'actions varitéstoutes sortes de combinaisons
俄文самые разнообразныеразнообразный
德文mannigfaltig allerlei湖北的省政府在当时真正是一种鱼龙漫衍的“模范政府”,那个委员会五花八门地是什么人品都有。郭沫若《革命春秋 北伐途次》联合式:作谓语;定语;指种类多;含贬义。清 吴敬梓《儒林外史》第42回:“那小戏子一个个戴了貂裘,簪了雉羽,穿极新鲜的靠子,跑上场来,串了一个五花八门。”解释: 原指五行阵和八门阵,古代两种战术变化很多的阵势。后用来形容变化多端或花样繁多。清·魏秀仁《花月痕》二六回:“无何鹰隼飞腾,熊罴驰突,阵结连环,彩高仗钺;散为蝴蝶,五花八门,团作鸳鸯,春云秋月。”
古华《芙蓉镇》一章:“山风吹过,但见通街上空‘万国旗’纷纷扬扬,红红绿绿,五花八门。”近义词 千变万化五颜六色五光十色八门五花多种多样丰富多采各式各样千头万绪光怪陆离不拘一格形形色色
反义词 千篇一律一成不变
阿司匹林以各种商标出售,五花八门、各式各样。Aspirin in various forms is sold under a wide range of trade names.
如今,我们生活中的食品越来越五花八门了。Nowadays, the foodstuffs in our life are more various.华尔街的交易员们开始相信,他们赋予各种五花八门的资产的价值是合理的,原因在于,嗯,那是他们赋予的。
Wall Street traders began to believe that the values they had assigned to all sorts of assets were rational because, well, they had assigned them. yeeyan

Madeline Bernstein, president of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in Los Angeles, says she’s heard all kinds of reasons why people want their animals euthanized after their death. yeeyan

Ask the well- being experts what makes them happy and the answers are diverse. yeeyan

Today there is such a large variety of food to choose from that a Thanksgiving Dinner can feature almost any main course. ebigear

How this chorus of interests will evolve politically is, they say, yet to be determined. yeeyan

When I've posed this question to workshop participants, they've been amazed at how large and varied a list they create. fortunechina

Thoughts as varied as policies to prevent violent crime, the romance of the Old West, and even the implications of children playing with toy guns come to mind. yeeyan

Along the path by the boating lake there are puppet shows, clowns and stilt walkers, and hawkers selling anything from Indian cotton skirts to batteries. chinafanyi.com

It should be pronounced“ hwa- way,” but“ people say it in all sorts of ways,” says Robert Fox, the chief branding officer of Huawei's wireless- product line. yeeyan

These variously include damaging the state through privatisation contracts, unlawful killing in the military repression of protests and treason. ecocn




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