

单词 blabbing
释义 blab·bing 英blæb美blæb COCA⁸⁴³⁰¹BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²
divulge confidential information or secrets;

Be careful--his secretary talks

speak about unimportant matters rapidly and incessantly近义词 leak渗sing唱tell告诉talk交谈peach桃子tattle闲谈inform通知traitor叛徒chatter饶舌maunder絮叨palaver空谈twaddle废话snitch告密者gossip流言蜚语piffle做无聊事tell on影响到 …clack发出咔嗒声blabber多嘴的人patter急速拍打声prattle小孩般说话tittle-tattle闲聊prate唠唠叨叨的讲…gibber胡言乱语地说…babble含糊不清地说…spread rumors散布谣言gabble急促而不清楚地说…spill the beans泄露秘密tell tales揭人隐私泄露秘密…talk out of turn弄错,干涉,阻碍…let the cat out of the bag泄露秘密

用作动词Heblabbedmy confidences to every one.他把我告诉他的知心话告诉了每个人。
You know she'll justblaball the secrets.你知道她会泄露所有秘密的。
She'll be sure toblaband it will be all over the town in no time.她肯定会乱说,而全城的人立刻就会知道。用作名词Who will open himself to ablab?谁愿向一个不肯守口如瓶的人说心里话呢?as in.gossipy
同义词 blabby,giving away,prattling,spilling,spilling the beans,talebearing,taletelling,whispering
gossipyadjective tending to gossip
blabby,giving away,prattling,spilling,spilling the beans,talebearing,taletelling,whispering And we don't go blabbing the private details of our private life to any old survey person.
我们不会向任何一个老练的调查人员泄露我们私生活的细节。 yeeyan

The counselor isn't going to go blabbing your business around school.
在学校里,辅导员不会去八卦你的事。 yeeyan

I didn't think you'd go blabbing the story all over town.
我原本相信你不会将秘密讲出去,但你现在告诉了镇里所有人。 blog.sina.com.cn

It's time to stop blabbing.

Will be careful not to spill my guts, blabbing about every second he spent with us.
从今以后,我将会认真的,绝不胡说他与我们共处的每一秒。 kuenglish




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