释义 |
BiyaEconomist⁴¹³⁰³⁺² 基本例句 比亚是前苏联制造的测量船¹⁰⁰ The ridgeBiyarope changes Barlow Terley.坎比亚索换下巴洛特利。 And,Biyathe sales volume is 23500, but Qirui is 17997.其中,比亚迪销量为23500辆,而奇瑞则为17997辆。 AfterwardBiyaGan Di kicks down Barlow Terley, by yellow-card warning.随后比亚甘蒂踢倒巴洛特利,被黄牌警告。 But in this middle place, most essential character non-ridgeBiyaDejected is.而在这个中场里,最关键的人物非坎比亚索莫属。 THE MAN who has presided over Cameroon for 25 years touts a simple slogan: “PaulBiyafor peace”.喀麦隆现总统做总统已经在25年了,他打出了一个简单的口号:保罗?比亚代表和平。 Conceivable, if the ridgeBiyarope hits full entire audience, then they that 5 minutes time did not have.可以想象,如果坎比亚索打满全场的话,那么他们连那5分钟的时间都没了。 |