词汇 | 事半功倍 |
释义 | 事半功倍 辨析事半功倍和“一举两得”都可表示“做事少而收效大”的意思;但事半功倍多指在一件事上用的力量小;而收效大;“一举两得”;多指取得了两方面的功效。 辨析事半功倍和“一举两得”都可表示“做事少而收效大”的意思;但事半功倍多指在一件事上用的力量小;而收效大;“一举两得”;多指取得了两方面的功效。 法文demi-effort pour un effet double 俄文добиться максимальных успехов при минимальной затрате сил 德文mit halbem Aufwand doppelten Erfolg erzielen 有一次他和他的学生公孙丑谈论统一天下的问题。他们从周文王谈起,说当时文王以方圆仅一百里的小国为基础,施行仁政,因而创立了丰功伟业;而如今天下老百姓都苦于战乱,以齐国这样一个地广人多的大国,如能推行仁政,要统一天下,与当时周文王所经历的许多困难相比,那就容易得多了。孟子最后说:“今天,像齐国那样的大国,如能施行仁政,天下百姓必定十分喜欢,犹如替他们解除痛苦一般。所以,给百姓的恩惠只及古人的一半,而获得的效果必定能够加倍。现在正是最好的时机呢!” 后来人们便根据孟子所说的这两句话,引申为“事半功倍”,用来形容做事所花力量较小而收到的效果甚大。 【注意】含褒义。 反义词 This is the first in a series of articles that will help you with techniques to get more done while working less. What could be better than that? Getting America’s phone and cable companies to open up their networks to others would be a lot harder for politicians than prattling on about neutrality; but it would do far more to open up the net. With a process set in place, you will do much better at achieving quick, quality results. You can cut a lot of frustration and learning curve time off if you do things more systematically. It just require some of your time and the results you'll get from doing it will help you deal with everything in your life much more easily. It challenges you to become more organized & efficient in the things you do, so you can get more done in less time. Pareto Analysis is a statistical technique in decision making that is used for the selection of a limited number of tasks that produce significant overall effect. They’re cheeky, exploit the multiple meanings of words, and are the verbal equivalent of a double take. It saves you a ton of work. Through several examples, in particle or particle system, we can get twice the result with half the effort if we solve them with the momentum theorem flexibly. Improving my communication ability through communication in school will surely be helpful for me to find a job in future. You may also want to work the same number of hours and produce a lot more to get ahead in your current job or business venture. I think people are hungry to do meaningful, creative work. Work that contributes to producing a better world; one in which we can get more from less. It’s what I like to call a multiplier because it allows you to harness a huge amount of energy and to multiply the effectiveness of all your efforts. No one likes to have their cash cut off but it does concentrate the mind wonderfully on doing more with less— especially with regards to the additional costs that come with treating patients. If a condition is diagnosed, proper therapy can be doubly beneficial— helping patients ease their angst and kick the butts. I want to discuss a topic that will cause a “ paradigm shift” in your thinking, and increase your progress several fold. Consistent application of architectural patterns across the enterprise will only get you half- way towards the goal of creating generally reusable service- oriented parts. As our above example demonstrates, if you integrate focus into your work equation, it becomes plausible to accomplish more work in less time and with less pain. Following the inspiration is difficult because that little pixie of inspiration that makes writing effortless and brilliant is not someone you can constantly count on. Well done, is twice done. |
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