

单词 biweekly
释义 bi·week·ly 英baɪˈwiːkliː美baɪˈwikliAHDbī-wēkʹlē ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA³⁶⁵¹⁰BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³iWeb²⁵³⁷⁴

a periodical that is published twice a week or every two weeks either 104 or 26 issues per year
occurring every two weeksoccurring twice a week
twice a week;

he called home semiweekly

every two weeks;

he visited his cousins fortnightly

蒋争熟词记忆bi-双;两n.周刊⇒两周一次的地;一周两次的地;双周刊;一周出两次的刊物bi-双;两n.周刊⇒两周一次的地;一周两次的地;双周刊;一周出两次的刊物钱博士bi二+week周+ly形容词或副词后缀⇒两周一次,每周两次词根记忆bi+week星期+ly=两星期近义词 newspaper报纸semiweekly每半周的fortnightly每两星期一次的…

用作形容词Caucus members laugh and talk at one of theirbiweeklyluncheon meetings.每两周一次的午餐会报,众金钗在进食间谈笑风生。
The patient was followed semi-weekly with biophysical profiles, andbiweeklyfor growth scans.病人随后予以一周两次的生物物理学检测和两周一次的生长检查。adj.occurring every two weeks
同义词 fortnightlyonce every two weeks,twice monthly
magazinenoun periodic publication
magazinesnoun periodic publication
newspapernoun regular, continuous publication containing information
biweekly,bulldog,community,daily,extra,gazette,journal,magazine,metropolitan,organ,paper,periodical,press,rag,record,review,scandal sheet,sheet,tabloid,trade,weekly
newspapersnoun regular, continuous publication containing information
biweeklies,bulldogs,communities,dailies,extras,gazettes,journals,magazines,metropolitans,organs,papers,periodicals,presses,rags,records,reviews,scandal sheets,sheets,tabloids,trades,weeklies Go once a week or biweekly and stick to it.
一周一次或每两周一次,要坚持下去。 yeeyan

Mr. Hennig: For the first six months of2009, we were meeting on a biweekly basis.
海宁:在2009年上半年,我们是每两周开一次会。 qeto

The biweekly mechanism of east- west oscillating movement of the subtropical western Pacific high is studied using the dynamic method.
本文用动力学分析的方法对西太平洋副热带高压准双周振荡的机制进行了探讨。 cnki

This newspaper team plans on designing its paper using the free software Scribus and will publish a printed version biweekly.
报刊小组计划用免费的软件 Scribus设计他们的报纸,并且将发行印刷版的半月刊。 yeeyan

“ Unlike any other college, Sarah Lawrence requires individual, biweekly student-faculty meetings, as part of every seminar approximately94% of our classes, ” she says via e-mail.
我们萨拉•劳伦斯学院不像其他学院,我们学院要求师生两周一次的单独会面,并将其作为研讨班约占全部班级的94%的一部分。 yeeyan

A biweekly magazine devoted to the cult is sold at most news-stands.
一份讨论死圣崇拜的双周刊在大多数报摊都有销售。 ecocn

Empirical evidence shows weekly or biweekly to be optimal in some organizations.
经验证据表明,每周或者每两周获取一次是对公司最佳的选择。 ibm

For the residents of this upscale Boston neighborhood, each Monday and Thursday morning is trash day, biweekly opportunities to eliminate excess items.
对于波士顿高消费阶层居住区的居民而言,每周一和周四的早上是垃圾日,是两周一次扫除多馀物品的时间。 myoops

He has a position at a state-run publishing house, and he runs his own biweekly magazine, Top Novel, where he’s serializing the sequel to Tiny Times.
他在一家国营出版社任职,并且经营一本自己的半月刊《最小说》,他在这本小说里连载了《小时代》。 putclub

I will use this space to give biweekly updates on recent results and the work units planned for upcoming weeks.
以后我将每半个月对近期的结果和接下来的计划进行一次说明。 equn

Ms. Hu's departure follows months of uncertainty about the future of the biweekly magazine, which is considered by many as China's most important news publication because of its independent voice.
随着胡女士的离开,两周一期的杂志未来一段时间的前景也变得扑朔迷离了。 这本杂志是因为他的特例独行而成为中国最重要的新闻刊物之一。 yeeyan

Perhaps weekly or biweekly.
可能是每周或每两周。 ibm

She asked him to contribute a biweekly article on European affairs.
她让他每两周写一篇有关欧洲情况的文章。 koexam




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