词汇 | 争先恐后 |
释义 | 争先恐后 俄文старáться обогнáть другихнаперебой 德文miteinander um etwas wetteifern sich eifrig an etwas heranmachen 赵襄王责备王子期,说:“你教我驾车,为什么不将真本领教给我呢?”王子期说:“驾车的技术,我已经都教给你了,只是你运用上有毛病。驾车最重要的是,协调好你的马和车,才能跑得快;跑得远。” “你在比赛中,只要落后,你就使劲鞭打马,拼命想超过我;一旦超过,又时时回头看我,怕我赶上你争先恐后。其实,在比赛中,有时会在前,有时会落后,都是很自然的;可是,不论领先还是落后,你的心思都在我身上,你又怎么可能去协调好车和马呢?这就是你落后的原因。” 反义词 “ You have to see it to believe it, ” says Ms Hanson, recalling children squabbling for a turn solving sums online. “ I think people will be scrambling to test some of the more controversial predictions,” Sponnheimer says. “ Our competitors are scrambling to try and copy our success,” he said. After the collapse of the Soviet Union in1991 foreign investors rushed to snap up former state-owned and collective farms. But even here there was a refreshing honesty, as the international agencies charged with combating the disease queued up to suggest ways of doing more with less. But China, India and Japan are all rushing to launch their own men and women into space. Parents vie to get their children a place; they study mathematics and language, there are regular gymnastics classes outside— but the staple is daily piano lessons. As a result, when the market turns upward a“ short squeeze” can develop as traders seek to cover their positions by scrambling to buy back shares. Managers are scrambling to provide counseling and a suicide hotline for the young workforce. Global companies are making a more aggressive push into the country, in some cases moving research and development centres there. Although they are now rushing to increase their output, it takes years to find and develop new seams and fields. Photographers are no exception; hundreds plunged head first into an abyss of horror and catastrophes. He found he did not hate the Germans, who now scratched for food in bombed- out Nuremberg and fought for the cigarette-ends he threw out of his jeep. They compete to bring their show to the attention of a reviewer, or even one of the1, 200 talent scouts rumoured to be hunting for the next big thing. Investment bankers are scrambling to work out what is happening to China’s markets even as they prepare more companies for flotation. When one of our team let an empty plastic bottle fall to the ground, kids wrestled for it as if it were gold. Scientists are therefore rushing to study such species, which may hold the secrets of increasing our own longevity. As it is throughout the region, history in Iraq is a battleground in which faiths seek precedence for modern-day claims. Yields have plunged to some of the lowest levels since the 1940s as investors, fearful of a sustained global economic downturn and potential deflation, have rushed to purchase government- issued debt. The reason for the rush is that, for low- budget films, the economics of video on demand do make sense. The women clamored to narrate their stories with an infectious energy and enthusiasm which was hard to leave behind. As the news spread that I was on my way out, my Cuban neighbours congratulated me on what they saw as a promotion. Businesspeople have always loved to carp about India’s problems even as they have rushed to take advantage of its terrific growth rates. They are racing to deliver fresh fish to market, and yet they remain, as far as many Japanese see it, in delicate balance with nature. |
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