词汇 | 乘风破浪 |
释义 | 乘风破浪 辨形“乘”,不能写作“剩”。 辨析参见“披荆斩棘”。。 辨形“乘”,不能写作“剩”。 辨析见“披荆斩棘”。 歇后语大海里行船;船头上看报 法文avancer fougueusement 德文Wind und Wellen trotzend 有一天正是他的哥哥结婚的日子,家里宾客盈门,热闹非凡。有十几个盗贼也乘机冒充客人,混了进来。 正当前面客厅里人来人往,喝酒道贺之际,这伙盗贼却已潜入宗家的库房里抢劫起来。有个家仆去库房拿东西,发现了盗贼,大声惊叫着奔进客厅。一时间,客厅里的人都被惊呆了,不知如何是好。只见宗悫镇定自若,拔出佩剑,直奔库房,盗贼一见来了人,挥舞着刀枪威吓宗悫,不许他靠前。 宗悫面无惧色,举剑直刺盗贼,家人也呐喊助威。盗贼见势不妙,丢下抢得的财物,赶紧脱身逃跑了。 宾客见盗贼被赶走了,纷纷称赞宗悫机敏勇敢,少年有为。问他将来长大后干什么?他昂起头,大声地说:“愿乘长风破万里浪,干一番伟大的事业。” 果然,几年以后,当林邑王范阳迈侵扰边境,皇帝派交州刺史檀和之前往讨伐时,宗悫自告奋勇地请求参战,被皇帝任命为振武将军。一次,檀和之进兵包围了区粟城里林邑王的守将范扶龙,命宗悫去阻击林邑王派来增援的兵力。 宗悫设计,先把部队埋伏在援兵的必经之路,等援兵一进入埋伏圈,伏军立即出击,把援兵打得个落花流水。 就这样,宗悫果然替国家打了不少胜仗,立下许多战功,被封为洮阳候。实现了他少年时的志向。 【注意】❶也说长风破浪。❷含褒义。 反义词 “ In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue” is how the children’s nursery rhyme begins. A good surf along the coastline makes for a pleasant and enticing holiday for those who ride the waves. It is going to be hard to overcome the hurdle, but this is an adventure. It is my year abroad. Every satisfied customer is now a booster for your company and every dissatisfied customer potentially can hurt your business. Singaporeans have ridden the wave of increasing wealth throughout Asia. Through the rain, I saw my little boat push its way over the ripples. I imagined a ship bravely fighting a turbulent sea. How can these companies boost their chances of riding the Chinese wave rather than being dragged down by the undertow? Beneath sea tides, you surf like a genuine, a dolphin, on the surf board. Be determined to swim and you could discover a whole new you. |
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