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词汇 bitterness
释义 bit·ter·ness AHDˈbid.ərnə̇s,ˈbitə- 高六研TCOCA¹²⁴²⁶BNC⁸²⁴⁵iWeb¹¹⁸⁹⁸Economist¹⁹⁰⁵⁰⁺

a feeling of deep and bitter anger and ill-willa rough and bitter mannerthe taste experience when quinine or coffee is taken into the mouththe property of having a harsh unpleasant tastebitter苦的
bitter-ness名词后缀⇒n.苦味⁵⁹;悲痛;怨恨³³n.痛苦;酷烈近义词 gall擦伤venom毒液spite恶意anger愤怒hatred仇恨bitter苦的rancor敌意acerbity涩acidity酸性rancour深仇tartness尖酸feud长期不和sourness酸味jaundice黄疸acrimony语言animosity憎恶hostility敌意sharpness锐利resentment怨恨oppression压抑sullenness愠怒sour taste酸味indignation愤怒cynicism愤世嫉俗bitter taste苦味unpleasantness不愉快thorninessthorny的名词形式…

用作名词The medicine has a specialbitterness.这种药有一种特殊的苦味。
He doesn't like the taste ofbitterness.他不喜欢苦味。
After all thebitternessof the divorce, Mary had to pull herself together and ensure that her children survived the handicap of a broken home.经历了离婚后的一切苦难,玛丽不得不振作起来,并确保其子女在分裂的家庭中继续在不利的条件下生存。
The book tees off with a discussion ofbitterness.那本书以关于悲痛的讨论作开头。
His leave, bring people clinkingbitternessand endless longing.他的离去,带给人们无比的悲痛和无尽的思念。
Bitterness gave his outlook a peculiar warp.怨恨使他的观点带有一种古怪的偏见。
New arrivals mistake your sarcasm forbitterness.新来的人把你的讽刺误解为愤恨。noun.(sourness
同义词 acerbity,acidity,acridity,astringency,brackishness,brininess,piquancy,pungency,sharpness,tartness,vinegariness
反义词 contentment,geniality,happiness,sweetnessnoun.agony
同义词 anguish,hostility,pain,sarcasmasperity,distress,harshness,painfulness,venom,virulenceacrimoniousness,grievousness,mordancy
反义词 comfort,happiness,joycontentment,geniality,sweetness
acrimonynoun nasty behavior, speech
acerbity,animosity,antagonism,antipathy,asperity,astringency,belligerence,churlishness,crankiness,harshness,ill feeling,ill will,irascibility,malevolence,malice,mordancy,peevishness,rancor,rudeness,sarcasm,spite,tartness,unkindness,virulence
animositynoun extreme dislike, hatred
acrimony,animus,antagonism,antipathy,bad blood,bitterness,displeasure,enmity,hate,hatred,hostility,ill will,malevolence,malice,malignity,rancor,resentment,virulence
asperitynoun harshness;bad temper
bad bloodnoun bitterness of feeling
acrimony,anger,animosity,animus,antagonism,antipathy,bad chemistry,bad feeling,bad vibes,bad will,bitterness,disaccord,dislike,distrust,enmity,hard feelings,hatred,hostility,ill will,ill-disposedness,malevolence,malice,mutual hostility,nastiness,odium,oppugnancy,oppugnation,personality conflict,rancor,resentment,unfriendliness,venom
cynicismnoun acrimony
dudgeonnoun intense indignation
anger,bitterness,displeasure,fury,huff,ire,irritation,malice,rage,resentment,umbrage,wrath The convulsions of poverty bear no trace of purification; they are all hatred, bitterness, and flesh gone evil.
贫穷导致的种种恶果——仇恨、苦难、行尸走肉般的躯壳,这些都无法随着时间净化。 yeeyan

The heart is sensitive to it through a certain savor of flesh which constitutes its bitterness and its grandeur.
凭借着某种体香,人的内心敏锐地感触到统一,而这肉身就构成了这其中的痛苦和壮丽。 yeeyan

There is no anger or bitterness on their part at their situation, only a sense of helplessness and suspicion of authority.
她们对各自的处境并不感到愤怒或是痛苦,只是觉得有些无可奈何,以及对当权者的怀疑。 yeeyan

“ I carry a strong feeling of bitterness, ” Chen Weihua, an editor at the state- run China Daily, wrote in a first- person editorial.
在一篇用第一人称撰写的社论中,陈伟华音译写道:“我带着强烈的苦涩。” 他是政府主办的《中国日报》的编辑。 yeeyan

But its pages are also permeated by a bitterness towards Bill Gates, the man with whom he created a company that transformed the world of technology.
不过,本书的字里行间也充斥着艾伦对比尔•盖茨的怨恨,而艾伦正是与盖茨一道,创办了一家令技术世界改头换面的公司。 ecocn

Colleen’s sister was the kind of woman that Henry liked, wry without any of the mocking bitterness.
科琳的妹妹是亨利喜欢的那个类型:她喜欢嘲讽,但她的嘲讽并不苦涩。 yeeyan

His heart was overflowing with bitterness.

How can you heal from these hurtful words that are so deeply embedded in your mind to free yourself from perpetual bitterness?
如何能从这些已经深植在你心中的言语伤害中痊愈,从没完没了的苦涩中解脱? yeeyan

I do not want to put down to my account either nostalgia or bitterness, and I merely want to see clearly.
留恋也好,苦涩也好,我不想将此二者归于我的帐上,我只是想看得明明白白。 yeeyan

I knew she had buried all the bitterness in her heart.
我知道她把伤心、难过与痛苦都埋在了心底。 yeeyan

If you don't talk out your problems, your guilt, your bitterness with God, you're going to take it out on your body.
如果你没有对神说出你的问题,你的罪,你的苦毒。这些内在的罪就会表现在你的身体上。 yeeyan

Oh, the bitterness and misery of renown!
啊,名声原来是这般苦涩和痛苦! hjenglish

One would think that grief and disappointment with God would lead to bitterness against him.
一个人认为,悲伤与对上帝的失望将再次导致对他的痛苦。 yeeyan

People who have lots of papillae have been dubbed supertasters for their ability to really perceive, say, the bitterness in arugula or the subtle sweetness of a pea.
有许多乳突的人被称为味觉超敏感者,因为他们的实际感知能力很强,比如他们能品尝出芝麻菜的苦味或是豌豆的微小甜味。 cri

Similarly, coffee can be improved for people who are sensitive to bitterness by masking its sharpness with cream or sugar.
类似的,咖啡可以通过用奶油或糖来掩盖剧烈的苦味为那些对苦敏感的人加以改良。 yeeyan

The 1980s are remembered with bitterness, not triumphalism, he says: the era is seen as a civil war, “ and a civil war that we lost”.
1980年代在记忆中是苦涩而非成功的,他说:那个年代被看成是一场内战,“而且是我们输了的一场内战。” yeeyan

They talked over the bitterness of the past.

Upon first completion, it leaves a bad taste in the mouth, an inkling of bitterness that ultimately overpowers every other memory of your experience.
初次通关,它会在你的嘴里留下一股坏味道,一丝苦涩,却足以盖过其它所有体验带来的回忆。 yeeyan

We did not give way to bitterness.
我们没有给苦难和怨恨让路。 yeeyan

We do not harbour bitterness towards our former compatriots.
我们对之前的同胞并不怀有怨恨。 ecocn

Yet He held no bitterness toward them. Can you imagine that kind of forgiveness?
然而他并没有对他们怀有怨恨.你能想象出那种宽恕吗? yeeyan

Bitterness came easily to him and, since he had nothing to do, he had time to mull it all over.
苦日子随即而来,因为他无事可做,于是有时间将整个过程思考了一遍。 yeeyan

Bitterness deepens with each injury and funeral.
每一位伤者和葬礼加深了苦难。 ecocn




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