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释义 | 举足轻重 歇后语一脚踏上磅秤台;拐脚佬行路 法文décision qui fait pencher la balance d'un cǒté ou de l'autre 俄文иметь решáющее значение 德文von entscheidender Bedeutung sein 敦煌等五郡,割据河西,号称河西五郡大将军,势力很大。 汉光武帝刘秀取得政权后,中原的局势越来越稳定,窦融便想归归附刘秀。于是他派长史刘钧携带珍宝拜见刘秀。刘秀 很高兴地接受了请求,并封窦融为凉州牧,赏赐贡黄金二百斤,还给窦融写了一封信,分析了当时政治;军事形势,肯定窦 融治理河西五郡的政绩。信中说,除朝廷和窦融之外,还有益州的公孙述和天水的隗器,他们都野心勃勃,想称王称霸。在 此形势下,窦融的地位举足轻重,对统一全国起着关键作用。 窦融接到光武帝的信后,表示一心一意归顺朝廷/后来,他率兵协助朝廷,平定了隗器的叛乱,又灭掉了公孙述。因此,刘秀封他为安丰侯,让他担任大司空。 反义词 But he was a divisive figure, not an epitome of Polish greatness. With the first they choose representatives in some299 geographical districts, including Stuttgart North. But it is the second vote—for a party, not a person—that is more important. Dragon and Phoenix in Chinese mythology has an important position. The bloody scene of Munich Olympics awakened organizers' security awareness, so that they realized that against terrorism is also a vital part of hosting the Olympic Games. Just know that no matter what you do for a living, where you live or how old you are, you are held in Divine light and have an important role in this world. A recent poll from the Stockholm Network, a group of European think-tanks, found that while94% of Britons thought climate change was important, 62% put economic growth before carbon reduction. Asians, in fact, have several distinct family systems.To simplify: in South Asia it is traditional to have arranged, early marriages, in which men are dominant and the extended family is important. Yes, once again, money is an important necessity in life. You need it to live. Why can't China,a country playing an important role in economics and developing with a fast pace, have a ticket of her own? We all know the importance of expression in every aspect of our life. For now, they are also the most important. A fascinating report into how Asia could look in 2020 shows just how important the region is becoming in terms of economies, population and wealth. Because we’re so used to them— and mostly because we identify with them— they hold a lot of weight in our experience. Clouds play an important role in the global climate system. Athletes understand that “ cardio” training promotes on- court endurance and is a vital part of conditioning for sport. In chess, the king and queen are the most important pieces on the board. Here, the strong coupling of quantum bits with light quanta plays a pivotal role. Once the demands are translated into real purchase power and import power, they can play a vital role in driving the global economy out of the shadow of crisis. That said, this is an important book as well as a provocative one: the best statement to date of the pessimist’s position on Islamic immigration in Europe. With20 seats, it holds the balance of power between the two big blocs of Swedish parliamentary politics. |
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