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词汇 biti
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Ahead of Biti's lengthy budget speech, a self- employed Harare worker said the inclusive government had stabilized the economy after years of record-breaking inflation.

Mr Biti, an MDC man, says his treasury has received no diamond revenue at all.
民革运成员彼迪说道财政部没有收到任何来自钻石的收益。 ecocn

TENDAI BITI, Zimbabwe’s finance minister, has described the60,000- hectare Marange diamond field in the country’s east as“the biggest find of alluvial diamonds in the history of mankind”.
津巴布韦财政部长藤代彼迪,宣称该国东部的60000公顷马朗热钻石矿区是“人类史上最大的冲积钻石矿”。 ecocn

Tendai Biti, his finance minister, had already done the rounds of Western capitals with his begging-bowl and had come back empty-handed.
他的财务部长滕达伊•比蒂已经屡次乞求西方各国的资助,但都空手而归。 ecocn

“ These diamonds are alluvial, so you can literally mine them with a spoon or the sole of your heel, ” says Biti.

But without outside money, even with Mr Biti and the MDC in control of the finance ministry, the new government has the most daunting of uphill tasks.
但是没有外来资金,即使依靠Biti先生和 MDC控制下的财政部,新政府也面临着可怕的、艰巨的任务。 ecocn

He is equally sanguine about the threat of assassination, despite his finance minister, Tendai Biti, having received a9mm bullet in the post last month.
他同样对刺杀威胁置之一笑,尽管他的财政部长 Tendai Biti上月收到了一个装有9毫米子弹的信封。 yeeyan

Immigration officials confiscated passports from the opposition party's Morgan Tsvangirai, party secretary-general Tendai Biti and legislator Elphas Mukonoweshoro at Harare International Airport.
移民官员在哈拉雷国际机场没收了茨万吉拉伊、党的常务秘书比蒂和议员穆科诺瓦舍罗的护照。 ebigear

In a letter to Biti, the IMF's acting director for the African Department, Mark Plant, said countries with arrears would not receive aid until they had cleared them.
在给比提的信里,担任 IMF非洲部门主任的迈克·普朗特说,有欠款的国家在未清除欠款之前,是不会接受到援助的。 yeeyan

Meanwhile, the Harare lower court has postponed the treason case against MDC Secretary General Tendai Biti to November.
与此同时,在哈拉雷的低等法院把指控争取民主变革运动秘书长比迪犯有叛国罪的审判推迟到十一月。 tingroom

Mr Biti says the Treasury has seen barely a cent.
比提先生说财政部几乎没见着一分钱。 ecocn

Mugabe's Zanu-PF party denies accusations of looting and abuses, while Biti blames smugglers for robbing the country of much- needed revenue.
然而, Mugabe的非洲民族联盟否认了抢劫和虐待的指控, Biti则指责走私犯们掠夺了国家所急需的财政收入。 yeeyan

People on the street gathered around televisions and radios to hear Biti's speech Thursday.
星期四,津巴布韦的老百姓聚集街头在电视机和收音机旁边,收听比提的讲话。 voanews

Tendai Biti said Thursday he has created a“ pro- poor” budget for2012, and has set aside additional revenue for recovery of the agricultural sector.
比提星期四说,他为2012年设立了一个“支持穷人”的预算,并且专门拨出一笔款项用于农业领域的复苏。 voanews

Tendai Biti, Zimbabwe’s finance minister, has described the field as“the biggest find of alluvial diamonds in the history of mankind”.
津巴布韦的财政部长腾达伊•比提对这个地方的描述是:“人类历史上目前发现的最大的金刚石砂矿。” ecocn

Zimbabwe Finance Minister Tendai Biti, a top official for the Movement for Democratic Change, says he has received a threatening letter with a bullet inside.
津巴布韦财政部长腾达伊.比提说,他收到一封装有子弹的恐吓信。比提是争取民主变革运动政党的高级官员。 ebigear

Biti has little faith that SADC will be able to help bring about a successful outcome to the negotiations.
比蒂并不相信非洲发展共同体能帮助谈判取得成功。 ebigear

Biti says he received a letter Friday and felt there was something inside.
津巴布韦财政部长比提说,他星期五收到一封信,感觉到有东西在里面。 ebigear

Biti, at the time of the passport confiscation, said he believed this latest development is a message from Mr. Mugabe that he is not interested in a negotiated settlement.
在护照被没收时,比蒂说,这是津巴布韦总统穆加贝发出的信息,表示穆加贝对通过谈判达成协议不感兴趣。 ebigear

Biti appealed to African governments to intervene in what he called the constitutional and legal crisis in Zimbabwe.
比提呼吁非洲国家政府干预他所说的津巴布韦的宪法和司法危机。 ebigear

Biti is the senior MDC negotiator at the talks between the opposition and ZANU- PF.
在争取民主变革运动和非洲民族联盟-爱国阵线之间的谈判中,比蒂是反对党的高级谈判官员。 ebigear

Biti predicted Zimbabwe's economy, starting from a very low base, would continue to grow at a rate of more than nine percent in2012.
比提预测津巴布韦经济在2012年从一个很低的基础上继续以9%以上的速度增长。 voanews

Biti said he is not frightened by the letter, but is worried for his family.
比提说,他不会被这封信吓倒,但是他担心他的家人。 iciba

Biti said he has allocated enough money for a census next year, as well as a referendum for a new constitution which is still being drafted.
比提说,他已经分配了足够的钱用于明年的人口普查和就一部新宪法举行的全民公决,这份新宪法仍在起草之中。 voanews

Biti said he hopes President Mugabe will realize that any run-off would deliver him a smashing defeat.
比提说,他希望穆加贝总统认识到,任何决选都会让他遭到惨败。 ebigear

Biti was charged with treason by the former government, and was detained after last year's elections.
当时,比提曾被前政府指控叛国,并且曾在去年选举后被拘留。 ebigear

Tendai Biti, his party’s secretary-general, has been thrown behind bars, charged with treason and denied bail.
他的政党的秘书长 Tendai Biti被指控叛国,投入监狱,并且拒绝保释。 ecocn




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