词汇 | 严阵以待 |
释义 | 严阵以待 辨形“阵”,不能写作“陈”。 辨析一严阵以待和“枕戈待旦”;都有“警惕性高;等待敌人”的含义。但严阵以待偏重在做好了充分准备;以严整的阵势;等待来犯的敌人;“枕戈待旦”偏重在杀敌心切;等待杀敌。 二严阵以待和“厉兵抹马”;都有“作好战前准备”的意思。但严阵以待侧重于“整个军队排好阵势;等待敌人的来临”;“秣马厉兵”侧重于“人员的行动”。 辨形“阵”,不能写作“陈”。 辨析一严阵以待和“枕戈待旦”;都有“警惕性高;等待敌人”的含义。但严阵以待偏重在做好了充分准备;以严整的阵势;等待来犯的敌人;“枕戈待旦”偏重在杀敌心切;等待杀敌。二严阵以待和“厉兵抹马”;都有“作好战前准备”的意思。但严阵以待侧重于“整个军队排好阵势;等待敌人的来临”;“秣马厉兵”侧重于“人员的行动”。 法文attendre l'ennemi de pied fermeêtre prêt au combat 俄文держáть оружие наготовевстретить врагá во всеоружии 德文gut verschanzt den Feind abwarten in Bereitschaft stehen 【注意】❶含褒义。❷注意和枕戈待旦的区别。枕戈待旦是就将士个人而言,重在不放松警惕,而严阵以待是就军队整体而言,重在做好作战准备。 反义词 Everton may have injury and suspension concerns aplenty, but Vidic says no matter what side David Moyes puts out the Reds will need to be prepared for a real battle. The embattled government in Bahrain invited 2,000 troops from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates on to its soil to help its security forces curb a growing protest movement. In the White House there is a well- established system of military aides and special phone lines standing by, ready for an emergency. But the risks are not uniform, and neither should central banks be in their response. But security forces were waiting and grabbed Mr Tsvangirai before the rally even started, sparking clashes with hundreds of assembled protesters. But when it comes to things we think really matter, like creating a career or raising children, we hunker down, tighten up, and absolutely refuse to fail. A visit to the embattled city of Ajdabiya finds the anti- Qaddafi resistance slightly less ragtag than before, but still not quite professional. The company was also slow to take seriously the competition that HP and others were presenting to its core market. Unusually for a Japanese politician, Naoto Kan, the embattled prime minister, has even caught the national mood. Judges were poised as if in an epic battle with fate. Stock prices jumped: those of embattled French banks soared by almost 20% in just two days. This time the Israelis were waiting and no one got across. As ever, when the NPC is in session local officials are under strict orders to avoid any disturbance that might distract attention from the meetings in the capital. The Saudis reacted because this new strain is the first pandemic flu since1968. The world cannot let down its guard and WHO must help the world remain and become better prepared. Such violence can only mean that Yemen's embattled president, Ali Abdullah Saleh, is losing his already long- tenuous grip on power as more people throughout the country join the calls for his ouster. Aides of Somalia’s embattled president, Sharif Ahmed, say there may be over 2,000 of them. The health sector was prepared. Surveillance, alert, and response mechanisms were in place. And I understand, you know, in a time of war everyone rallying behind the commander and chief. On Election Day, we will be engaged at every level. The Federal army was well prepared for Lee's offensive. Hehad all his soldiers stand guard on the wall, with spears and arrows, if theIsraelites came. |
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