词汇 | 两面三刀 |
释义 | 两面三刀 辨形“两”,不能写作“二”。 辨析两面三刀和“阳奉阴违”都有当面一套;背地一套的意思。但“阳奉阴违”是表面顺从;答应;背地违背的意思。指的是表里不一;无害人伤人之心。多指对领导或长辈;而两面三刀指的是耍两面手法;阴险;居心不良。在背地施展阴谋手段;有害人之心。 辨形“两”,不能写作“二”。 辨析两面三刀和“阳奉阴违”都有当面一套;背地一套的意思。但“阳奉阴违”是表面顺从;答应;背地违背的意思。指的是表里不一;无害人伤人之心。多指对领导或长辈;而两面三刀指的是耍两面手法;阴险;居心不良。在背地施展阴谋手段;有害人之心。 歇后语瓦匠砌墙;杨二郎的兵器 俄文двурушничестводвуличность 【注意】含贬义。 反义词 Double-dealers will come to no good end. The Ethiopian and Kenyan governments have been particularly torn in their response to the famine. “ At least we have something in common with America,” the logistics officer says. “The Pakistanis are playing a double game with us, too.” But he has no sisters. He is a two-faced person. But he has no sisters. He's a two-faced person! In the history, Black Dragon Pool was conferred the title of “ God Dragon” by emperors for twice, becoming one of the famous springs of China. Would that nice Mr Obama, the precocious possessor of a Nobel peace prize, really be so duplicitous? So, Barack Obama is two-timing us Brits again. He runs into the street. Look both ways before you cross the street. Or it's very dangerous. I'm beginning to learn how two faced you are. I hate phonies most. I can't stand having one of them around me. |
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