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词汇 与日俱增
释义 与日俱增 yǔ rì jù zēng 常用成语
be steadily on the increase繁体與日俱增近义日积月累;有增无已反义每况愈下正音“增”,不能读作“zhēng”。
俄文расти день ото дняпостоянно расти
德文mit jedem Tag wachsen Tag für Tag grǒβer werden半个月过去了,风平浪静,然而老赵心里愁闷却与日俱增了。茅盾《过年》偏正式:作谓语;定语;用于人的思想感情;中性词。《清史稿 圣祖纪三》:“万国安,即朕之安,天下福,即朕之福,祝廷者当以慈为先。朕老矣,临深履薄之念,与日俱增,敢满假乎?”解释: 俱:一起。指随着时间的推移而持续不断地增长。宋·吕祖谦《为梁参政作乞解罢政事表》之二:“疾疹交作,眊然瞻视……涉冬浸剧,与日俱增。”
张爱玲《茉莉香片》:“他对于丹朱的憎恨,正像他对言子夜的畸形的倾慕,与日俱增。”近义词 递加递增日新月异一日千里突飞猛进雨后春笋有加无已有增无已日积月累
反义词 每况愈下雨后春笋
他的势力与日俱增。His power is augmenting daily.巴西很大的一项优势,拥有充裕的土地、水源和阳光,而利用这些条件的能力也与日俱增。
Brazil's great advantage is its abundance of land, water and sunlight, combined with an increasing ability to use them to best advantage. ecocn

For the moment, everything Iran does is drawing America in closer, and the risks of an Iranian miscalculation are growing by the day. ecocn

But pressures to go to the worst places are growing. ecocn

But we also know that much of what Karzai says may also be the fantasies he uses to justify the growing power of the small elite around him. yeeyan

When it became evident that the United States was gearing up to invade Afghanistan, and news interest in post- Soviet Central Asia was growing, I started to think about leaving America again. yeeyan

And although China has an aversion to using its veto alone in the Security Council, its growing self-confidence as a great power suggests that it might do so now. ecocn

Given the increasing value and daily transaction volume, movement towards transactions, stored procedures, and triggers was crucial in order to improve data integrity and governance. ibm

Slowly, an idea began to grow— I will use my pen to write about the beauty of a living river, to revive the crystal clear Lanxi River and realize its dream of joining the ocean. yeeyan

These diseases are dreaded by affected populations, and the demand for treatment is growing. who

His solution is to seek out those at greatest risk of infection, such as the growing numbers of Russian drug users, and offer prompt treatment rather than waiting for them at clinics. ecocn

The maintenance costs are increasing because multiple copies of similar or the same services are being maintained, and there's no control over such services, which halts further development. ibm

Why is the impact of application software quality growing? ibm

The existence of a huge market with minimum trade barriers has been the principal appeal since the integration process began more than six decades ago, and that benefit has grown with time. yeeyan

婴儿潮出生的一代即将退休,这个数字与日俱增,美国公共医保和退休保障的开支,假定维持不变,会从目前 GDP的8%涨到2050年19%的高位。
With baby-boomers about to retire in growing numbers, the cost of America’s public- health and retirement programmes, if left unchanged, will rise from8% of GDP now to19% by 2050. ecocn

The number of children found to have autism has been increasing for reasons that remain mysterious. yeeyan

May the friendship between our two countries growincrease with each passing day.《新英汉大辞典》

Texas’s importance as America’s leading trading state, and one of its main distribution centres, is bound to grow. ecocn

So far the military men have not shifted from this plan, but a chorus of doubts is growing. ecocn




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