释义 |
不问 bù wèn ★☆☆☆☆v.动词⁰·⁰⁰¹⁴ᴾᵃ⁷⁷¹¹ 基本例句 〔动〕pay no attention to;not consider不问事实真相 disregard the factslet go unpunished;let off胁从不问。 Those who acted under duress shall go unpunished.disregard;ignore不问国籍irrespective of nationality 不问情由not consider the circumstances or causes 不问群众的疾苦turn a blind eye to the masses'sufferings 不问是非曲直make no distinction between right and wrong 不问事实真相ignore the facts 不问政治shun politics;be disinclined towards politics;not involve oneself in politicslet off胁从不问。Those who acted under duress shall not be punished.bùwèn qīnɡhónɡ-zàobái不问青红皂白繁体不問不问事实真相ignore the facts 不问年龄大小irrespective of age 胁从不问。Those who acted under duress shall go unpunished. 不问是非曲直make no distinction between right and wrong;not look into the rights and wrongs of the case |