

单词 bismuth
释义 bis·muth 英ˈbɪzməθ美ˈbɪzməθAHDbĭzʹməth 高COCA⁶⁵⁹⁸²BNC²⁸⁹⁶⁷iWeb³¹³⁵²
a heavy brittle diamagnetic trivalent metallic element resembles arsenic and antimony chemically; usually recovered as a by-product from ores of other metals来自古德语,bis , 词源同white, 白色的. muth, 词源同mass, 大块。指该金属白色块状特征。native bismuth自然铋bismuth spiral铋螺线,铋磁探头…bismuth carbonate次碳酸铋,碳酸铋…bismuth bronze铋青铜合金,铋青铜…bismuth stomatitis铋中毒性口炎…bismuth ocher铋华bismuth glance辉铋矿bismuth hydroxide水氧化铋,氢氧化铋…bismuth subcarbonate碱式碳酸铋,次碳酸铋…bismuth sulfide硫化铋bismuth sulfate硫酸铋bismuth iodate碘酸铋bismuth citrate柠檬酸铋bismuth line铋线bismuth subsalicylate次水杨酸铋,碱式水杨…bismuth oxide氧化铋,三氧化二铋…bismuth selenide硒化铋bismuth chloride氯化铋
近义词 Bi化元素铋bismu…

用作名词Easily hydrolyze to produce basicbismuthnitrate.易水解生产碱式硝酸铋。
Our samples were prepared by thermal oxidizingbismuthfilms.热氧化不够或低速率蒸发形成薄膜富铋,出现无定型或其它相结构,光学吸收限变宽,移向低能处。 Because of this increased awareness people are asking more questions. And one of the most popular questions is about the ingredient bismuth oxychloride.
关注这个领域的朋友们问了很多关于这的问题,其中一个很流行的问题就是它的氯氧化铋成分。 yeeyan

Lying in Southern Hunan, Dongpo ore field is geotectonically in the South China fold belt, which is famous for the gigantic reserves of tungsten, tin, molybdenum, bismuth, lead and zinc etc.
东坡矿田地处湘南,在大地构造上隶属于华南褶皱带,以盛产钨、锡、钼、铋、铅、锌等多种矿产而闻名。 cnki

The eradication rate for bismuth- based treatment regimens is about76 percent, and this strategy is popular in the United States as it is easily accessible, cheap and relatively effective.
铋剂疗法的治愈率约为76%,目前该疗法由于其简单方便而又便宜有效,在美国比较流行。 yeeyan

The catalysis- acid leaching process of copper bismuth sulphide dregs is introduced.
介绍了用催化酸浸工艺从铜铋硫化物渣中回收铜。 cnki

The process stripped protons and neutrons from the bismuth atoms, lowering the atoms' weight to that of gold atoms.
嬗变过程是从铋原子中剥离出质子和中子,把铋原子重量降成金原子水平。 yeeyan

This scanning tunneling microscope image of a bismuth superconducting compound shows a characteristic checkerboard pattern.
扫描隧道显微镜下铋超导化合物的鲜明棋盘图样。 yeeyan

Bismuth oxychloride often feels silky and not rough when rubbed between the fingers.
用两个手指来感觉,氯氧化铋有一种光滑不粗糙的感觉。 yeeyan

Aim To study the effects of chitosan- bismuth on experimental rat ulcer models.
目的研究壳聚糖铋对大鼠实验性胃溃疡模型的影响。 cnki

Arsenic is separated from the bismuth matrix by ion exchange method and determined by hydride generation atomic absorption spectrophotometry.
该方法用离子交换将砷同基体铋分离,然后用氢化物发生原子吸收光谱法测定。 cnki

Because it is a by-product of lead refining, bismuth oxychloride should be lead free when companies begin using it in their cosmetics.
因为这是铅精炼后的副产品,在化妆品中使用它,必须除去其中混杂的铅成分。 yeeyan

Conclusion Chitosan- bismuth showed evident prophylactic and therapeutic effects on rat gastric ulcer.
结论壳聚糖铋对大鼠实验性胃溃疡有明显的防治作用。 cnki

Discussed are the content of Pd and Ag in the conductive phase and its effect, the additive in bismuth ruthenate, the binder and the manufacture technology.
研究了电阻浆料中导电相钯、银的含量及影响,钌酸铋中的添加剂,采用的有机黏合剂,以及制作工艺。 cnki

In this paper, the effects of polyoxyethylene nonionic surfactant( N3001 on the colour reaction between Rhodamine B and bismuth iodide have been investigated.
本文探讨了聚氧乙烯型非离子表面活性剂 N3001对罗丹明 B和碘化铋之间显色反应的影响。 cnki

In this article we’ll learn what bismuth oxychloride is, where it comes from, why it is used, and if makeup with it as an ingredient is a good choice for you.
在这篇文章里,我们会学到,什么是氯氧化铋,它从哪里来,为什么要被使用,化妆品里有这个成分是不是一个好选择。 yeeyan

Nonferrous materials have a base metal other than iron and include aluminum, magnesium, zinc, lead, bismuth, copper, and a variety of alloys.
有色金属材料以不是铁的金属为基材,包括铝,镁,锌,铅,铋,铜和很多合金。 mapeng

Presently powder in tube process PIT is the main method to fabricate bismuth system HTS tapes.
前驱粉末装管法 PIT是目前铋系高温超导带材制备的主要方法。 cnki

Results Chitosan- Bismuth significantly decreased rat ulcer area or ulcer index.
结果壳聚糖铋可明显降低大鼠的溃疡面积或溃疡指数。 cnki

Silica- supported bismuth molybdate catalysts were prepared by impregnation in a highly dispersed state and by coprecipitation in a largely crystallized state.
分别利用浸渍法和共沉淀法在硅衬底上制备高分散态和大部分结晶态的钼酸铋催化剂。 ce.sysu.edu.cn

So, if you find you’re experiencing some problems with your current mineral makeup and it contains bismuth oxychloride, you may want to consider switching brands.
因此,如果你现在使用的矿物质化妆品里含有氯氧化铋而使你皮肤产生问题,你很可能会考虑换一个品牌。 yeeyan

The result suggests that CM- Chitosan- Bismuth is mainly excreted by dejection, only a few is absorbed.
实验结果提示:羧甲基壳聚糖铋盐主要经粪便排泄,少量被降解吸收。 cnki

The second desideratum, of low thermal and high electrical conductivity, was achieved by dividing the bismuth telluride into pellets a few nanometres across.
第二个所愿望之物——低热量和高导电性,是通过将整个铋碲划分成几个纳米颗粒实现的。 hxen

They work because certain materials, such as bismuth telluride, generate an electrical potential difference within themselves if one part is hotter than another.
它们之所以能起作用是因为某些材料,比如碲化铋,如果其中一部分比另一部分热,内部就会产生电位差。 ecocn

With more and more research available, knowledge on the effects of bismuth begins to change from a deleterious impurity which people tried their best to remove to a beneficial dopant.
随着研究的不断深入,对铋的作用的认识已有所变化,已经从多年前人们一直想方设法除去的有害杂质变成了有益杂质。 cnki




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