词汇 | 不胫而走 |
释义 | 不胫而走 辨形“胫”,不能写作“径”;“经”。 辨析不胫而走和“不翼而飞”;都比喻不用宣传就迅速地传播。但“不翼而飞”还能比喻东西突然无故丢失;不胫而走没有此意。 辨形“胫”,不能写作“径”;“经”。 辨析不胫而走和“不翼而飞”;都比喻不用宣传就迅速地传播。但“不翼而飞”还能比喻东西突然无故丢失;不胫而走没有此意。 歇后语孙膑坐汽车 法文se propager,se répandre rapidement,en uninstant 俄文быстро получить извéстность 拉丁文virum volitare per ora 有一个名叫盛孝章的有才者住在东吴,是孔融的好友。他为人耿直;孤傲,一向为孙策嫉恨。孔融时时为他担心,生怕他被孙策杀掉。一天,孔融给曹操写了一封信,介绍了盛孝章的情况,劝曹操招纳盛孝章。孔融在信中写道:“如果要光复汉室,就先得着实求贤;而要得到贤人,就要尊重贤人。”他打了个比方道:“珠玉无胫而自至者,以人好之也,况贤者之有足乎?”以:因,意指:珠玉本来是没有脚的,它之所以会落到人们的手中,就是因为有人喜欢它,何况贤人是有脚可以行走的呢?孔融还在信中强调:“只要尊重贤才,贤才就会跑来。” “不胫而走”一成语便出于此。原喻贤才投奔慕贤者。后用于比喻事情还没推行就传开了。亦作“无胫而行”;“无足而走”;“无胫而走” 【注意】胫,不能写作“径”。 反义词 Rumors of the unprecedented drive first leaked in May2009 when it emerged that Gates and Buffett had organized a secretive dinner for billionaires in New York City. The latest drop was prompted by the news on May29th that BP’s attempt to plug the leak with a“ top kill” had failed. Rumours flew around: did Mr Craddick’s opponents have the votes to throw him out? The state would never know. But among other artists, word of Bieber's talent quickly spread. Soon after this photo was taken in May, it became known that he had sent lewd photos and messages to women he had met online. The news of the assassination of President Lincoln spread like wildfire. The farmer got his treasure and his reputation grew as the best trickster in the land. If you indicate what you are thinking, that information will leak, rumors will spread and you plant the seeds for all kinds of unproductive discussions. The truth is that we work in a very small, tight-knit industry and news spreads fast. News travels fast, especially juicy news. The news is going about. A few bad words or a couple of“ horror stories” will spread like wildfire. News is flying about concerning a royal wedding. Word began to spread about the young boy's lead poisoning. Word was out that Starbucks was opening a concept store in Seattle, and Schultz was as excited as I had seen him. That gets around previously discussed loopholes to proposed rules to block opt- outs. The news spread like wildfire. The news swept through the firm. A group of residents in the area had an agreement which was becoming widespread. Jittery over rumours, spread mostly by opposition parties, that General Fonseka will challenge Mr Rajapaksa in the election, the government in October banned reports about his political ambitions. The possibility of early shots follows encouraging news from last week about the swine flu vaccine. Another neighbor Natalia was visiting. And so the story of the pot of gold spread. |
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