

单词 不绝于耳
释义 不绝于耳 bù jué yú ěr 一般成语
can be heard without end; linger in one's ears; The sound incessantly lingers on繁体不絶于耳近义余音绕梁变体不絕於耳从那时起,双方以军事对峙,蓄意破坏和不绝于耳的谩骂声为特点的敌对状态演变为更广泛的战略对抗。
Since then, mutual enmity, expressed in military confrontations, acts of sabotage and a steady stream of invective, has ripened into a broader strategic rivalry. ecocn

But especially since the global financial crisis, the government has been widely accused of twisting rules in favour of its state-owned or, sometimes, private-sector favourites. yeeyan

But as America plans to start drawing down its forces next year, the jostling for a political settlement is well under way. ecocn

Nowadays, all we hear are warnings not to repeat the mistakes that resulted in Japan’s “ lost decade” of economic growth. yeeyan

As Foye continued to struggle and Roy emerged as one of the brightest young stars in the league out West, criticism of the player and Kevin McHale, the man who engineered the transaction, mounted. blog.sina.com.cn

Environmental groups criticize the EPA, which was granted the authority by Congress in1996, for taking so long to order manufacturers to test only a small group of chemicals. yeeyan

即便对于 BBC的埋怨之声不绝于耳,但这种抱怨依旧是尊敬社会公共机构这一英国优良传统的表现。
THE British gift for revering an institution yet complaining bitterly about it is well- displayed in the case of the BBC. ecocn

For all the talk of a growing middle class in India, nearly 38% of its population lives in poverty. fortunechina

The subsequent decade has seen a rise in the number of Kurzweil’s critics and the volume of their complaints. yeeyan

As the price of crude oil rises on world markets, complaints from consumers, industries and politicians are also on the rise. putclub.com

Piles of post and incessant phone calls came, some offering information, more often wanting her help. ecocn

The idea of saving the world by shopping is appealing; but tackling climate change, boosting development and reforming the global trade system will require difficult political choices. ecocn

For the last few years we have heard almost constant construction noise around us. ebigear

In Munich he aired another telling theory, heard about the Kremlin recently: Russia did not lose the cold war but voluntarily ended it. ecocn

Two weeks after the Scottish justice secretary, Kenny MacAskill, announced the release of Abdulbaset al- Megrahi, the Libyan convicted of the1988 Lockerbie bombing, the row shows no signs of abating. ecocn

The dispute about tradition and innovation has frequently been heard in the art circles. jukuu

Nerves are also jangling in the capital markets. ecocn

Ever since housing began to collapse, Mr. Greenspan’s record has been up for revision. yeeyan

New roads are needed, but with climate change rising up the agenda there will be no shortage of arguments against them. ecocn




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