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词汇 不知所云
释义 不知所云 bù zhī suǒ yún 常用成语
not know what someone is driving at繁体不知所雲近义不得要领;语无伦次;吞吞吐吐反义简明扼要;通俗易懂;提纲挈领辨形“知”,不能写作“之”。
歇后语鸭子听雷法文on ne sait pas ce qu'il veut direincompréhensible
俄文сам не знáет,что говорит
德文schlecht zu verstehen wie ein Buch mit sieben Siegeln这篇文章逻辑性太差,使人看了不知所云。公元225年,诸葛亮亲率大军南征孟获,他七次俘虏孟获, 又七次释放,孟获终于心悦诚服地归顺蜀汉。 南方平定之后,解除了后顾之忧,诸葛亮决定出师伐魏。临行 前,他给刘禅写一份《出师表》,提出东汉后期上层统治集团任人 唯亲而致倾颓的历史教训,规劝刘禅要“亲贤臣,远小人”;严明赏 罚,虚心纳谏。最后,诸葛亮写道:“今当远离,临表涕泣,不知所云。” 表达他恳切;激动的心情。
一切都安排妥当之后,诸葛亮便亲率浩浩荡荡的大军,向汉中前线进发。后主刘弹率领百官一直把他们送出成都城外十里远。动宾式:作谓语;定语;状语;表示不知道说什么;含贬义。三国·蜀·诸葛亮《出师表》:“临表涕泣,不知所云。”解释: 云:说。不知说的是什么。自谦之辞,表示自己语无伦次。三国蜀·诸葛亮《前出师表》:“临表涕泣,不知所云。”
唐·刘禹锡《上杜司徒书》:“孤志多感,重恩难忘。顾瞻门馆,惭恋交会。伏纸流涕,不知所云。”解释: 也指文章或言辞颠三倒四;语言混乱,令人莫明其妙。清·袁枚《新齐谐·狮子大王》:“神曰:‘既有牌,又有尔名,此应摄者,何冤为?’厉声叱之,尹词屈不知所云。”
钱锺书《围城》三:“你看他那首什么《拼盘姘伴》,简直不知所云。”近义词 不得要领吞吞吐吐语无伦次
反义词 出口成章一板三眼简明扼要通俗易懂提纲挈领
她费尽力气想看懂那些说明文字,却全然不知所云。She tried to understand the instructions, but she was completely at sea.“向校园里的孩子推销饼干很容易,”在谈及债券抵押凭证和华尔街卖给贪心且容易上当的投资者的其他不知所云的证券时,他这样说道。
“ It's easy selling crack to kids in the schoolyard, ” he says of the CDOs and all the other arcane acronyms the Street sold to avaricious, gullible investors. yeeyan

Over-My-Head Listening: You are convinced that the subject is beyond you, so you depart, at least in spirit. hjenglish

Former US president George W. Bush topped a poll of the worst examples of mangled English released Wednesday, followed closely by Arnold Schwarzenegger and Donald Rumsfeld. iciba

As a nine-year-old, however, I was totally mystified. yeeyan

However, you may see scrambled text instead of user names in any lock conflict messages. stnn

When he had to speak publicly, he frequently mumbled and spoke in an inaudible voice that made it very difficult for people to hear him. yeeyan

I'm all at sea when they talk about the greenhouse effect. iciba

When you go travelling far way, you watch the beautiful sunset varnishing the sky, you have breakfast alone, fall asleep alone and watch the TV dramas alone without knowing what it is about. iciba

And in fact, some of the people that put the ideas there unintelligible market them and develop them for themselves, which is, of course, helping Lego. yeeyan

Others see the paper versions as an anachronism, wasteful of resources and as irrelevant as printed bank statements and mutual fund reports. yeeyan

Or maybe you wrote a huge script that you've worked on for weeks and know inside and out, but if someone else looked at it, that person would be completely confused. ibm

积极的反馈是整个群体智慧的核心的想法之一。 不知所云起作用速度非常快。
And positive feedback is one of the things that's central to the whole idea of swarm intelligence as well. Unintelligible take off very fast. yeeyan

Mr Rumsfeld won the prize for comments made at a news conference which left observers baffled.

Another factor in the lengthening of the road to adulthood is our increasingly labyrinthine labor market. yeeyan

A wife may not be sure that what her husband is saying means “the end.” She should listen closely, not only to what he says, but also to how he says it. yeeyan

In fact the treaty’s hundreds of baffling, jargon- strewn pages seem designed to punish any citizen unwise enough to take an interest. ecocn

Yet on the great issue of the campaign, the financial crisis, he has seemed all at sea, emitting panic and indecision. ecocn

The plot is incomprehensible. yeeyan

The secret was revealed in 2000, it was so vague that it could be read to predict the end of anything, from the end of the world to the end of8-tracks. hjenglish

Start a blog on your favorite topic, else you will always run out of content. yeeyan

Unfortunately, I had confined my foreign language studies to Spanish, and I didn't understand a word. ebigear

Yet it was not only these odd sights that astounded her, for she was even more puzzled by what she heard. jukuu

Its syntax appears to be that of a succession of three imperative clauses: one pointless, one mysterious, and one scarcely even coherent. yeeyan




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