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词汇 不着边际
释义 不着边际 bù zhuó biān jì 常用成语
irrelevantnot to the pointwide of the markneither here nor there繁体不着邊際近义无的放矢;空洞无物;离题万里反义一语道破;一针见血;一语中的正音“着”,不能读作“zháo”。正音“着”,不能读作“zháo”。谜语还;穿心;中心;怒火中烧
法文parler dans le vaguesans rapport
俄文уклóнчиво周氏和张氏又谈了一些不着边际的闲话。 ★巴金《春》十五从前有个天生就是瞎子的人从来没有见过太阳,向别人打听太阳是什么模样,别人告诉他太阳形状像圆盘,太阳光像蜡烛光,他却把钟;笛等当作太阳,闹出很多笑话和误会,最终还是不知道太阳是什么样子。动宾式:作谓语;定语;状语;形容言论空泛;含贬义。明 施耐庵《水浒传》第19回:“何涛思想:在此不着边际,怎生奈何!我须用自去走一遭。”解释: 着:接触,挨上。挨不着边儿,没有着落。元·施耐庵;明·罗贯中《水浒传》一九回:“天色又看看晚了,在此不着边际,怎生奈何!”
钱锺书《围城》七:“像一切好学而又爱美的女人,她戴白金脚无边眼镜;无边眼镜仿佛不着边际,多少和脸蛋儿融化为一,戴了可算没戴,不比有边眼镜界域分明,一戴上就从此挂了女学究的招牌。”解释: 形容空泛,不切实际。巴金《春》一五:“周氏和张氏又谈了一些不着边际的闲话。”


近义词 天南地北天南海北海说神聊海阔天空离题万里天花乱坠言之无物无的放矢空洞无物
反义词 入木三分一语道破一语中的言归正传一针见血
他会上发言从来不切中要点,而自始至终都是谈得不着边际。He never came to the point, but talked round the subject throughout the meeting.
班极里的学生故意向老师问了许多不着边际的问题,使老师大为恼火。The class got the teacher's monkey up by deliberately asking a lot ofirrelevantquestions.
别对我讲那些不着边际的话,把真实情况告诉我。Do not give me any pie in the sky, just tell me the truth. Bain& Company最近的调查显示大多数的印度公司不着边际地在讨论着首席执行官的任命。
Recent research by Bain& Company found that most Indian companies at no point discuss how chief executives will be appointed. ecocn

Oda Mae Brown:我没有不着边际地说话。我只是在回答一个问题。
Oda Mae Brown: I don't think I'm rambling, I'm just answering the question. ebigear

Mr Brown seemed to be afflicted by a sort of cognitive dissonance— still bellowing that his Labour government would continue raising public spending, in spite of the Treasury’s own forecasts. ecocn

But the critics have it exactly backwards. yeeyan

Now of course I had known all along that the humour of the story emanated from its very exaggeration, its absurdly illogical smoothness. yeeyan

The expectation that in these conditions profits will rebound strongly is quite far- fetched. yeeyan

If a domineering children, other children will give the children to reason, let him down far- fetched, do not know how to respect other people's“ great rack.” cri

国防部副部长保罗·沃尔福威茨 Paul Wolfowitz谴责Shinseki将军,他表示将军这样的估计完全不着边际。
Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz publicly rebukes Shinseki, stating that the general’s estimate is “wildly off the mark.” yeeyan

尽管《多德-弗兰克金融改革法案》中包括了近200页有关 CFPB的内容,但这些权力目前仍不着边际。
These powers remain nebulous, despite nearly200 pages of the Dodd- Frank financial- reform act on the CFPB. ecocn

It would be sad to find out that someone was pulling the strings to allow such drivel to come out of this puppet's mouth. yeeyan

If the concept of efficiency is worthless even for each individual, it is a fortiori in far worse straits when the economist employs it in an additive way for all of society.

His boast is probably too high— no accurate figures are available— but it certainly a sizeable chunk. ecocn

我想,由柯恩兄弟担任编剧的影片《谋杀绿脚趾》是一个很好的例子。 影片讲述了九十年代发生在洛杉矶的一个关于谎言、贿赂和保龄球的不着边际的故事。
I think the Coen Brothers, “The Big Lebowski,” is a good place to start with this one, a rambling tale of lies, corruption, and bowling in early90’s Los Angeles. kekenet

In former times, when a man would speak of the rapidity with which light traverses space, most of his hearers thought it to be a scientific exaggeration or a myth. yeeyan

That piece of science fiction, too, may prove not to have been quite so wide of the mark. ecocn

Actually there is no necessary relation between loneliness and lover. Some people just use it as an excuse to soothe themselves after the failure of love. ebigear

I’m no longer a teen-ager, so what I say might seem irrelevant, presumptuous. yeeyan




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