

单词 acount
释义 acount 英ə'kaʊnt美ə'kaʊnt BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹

an arrangement that sb has with a bank, etc. to keep money there, take some out, etc.


an arrangement that sb has with a company that allows them to use the Internet, send and receive messages by e-mail, etc.


a written record of money that is owed to a business and of money that has been paid by it

C赊销账; 赊欠账; 赊购

an arrangement with a shop 〔store〕 or business to pay bills for goods or services at a later time, for example in regular amounts every month


a regular customer; a customer, especially one who has regular dealings with a company

C描述; 叙述; 报告

written or spoken description of sth that has happened


an explanation or a description of an idea, a theory or a process

vt. 〈正〉认为是; 视为

have the opinion that sb/sth is particular thing; consider

a record or narrative description of past events;

a history of France

he gave an inaccurate account of the plot to kill the president

the story of exposure to lead

a short account of the news;

the report of his speech

the story was on the 11 o'clock news

the account of his speech that was given on the evening news made the governor furious

a formal contractual relationship established to provide for regular banking or brokerage or business services;

he asked to see the executive who handled his account

a statement that makes something comprehensible by describing the relevant structure or operation or circumstances etc.;

the explanation was very simple

I expected a brief account


don't do it on my account

the paper was rejected on account of its length

he tried to blame the victim but his success on that score was doubtful

importance or value;

a person of considerable account

he predicted that although it is of small account now it will rapidly increase in importance

a statement of recent transactions and the resulting balance;

they send me an accounting every month

the act of informing by verbal report;

he heard reports that they were causing trouble

by all accounts they were a happy couple

an itemized statement of money owed for goods shipped or services rendered;

he paid his bill and left

send me an account of what I owe

the quality of taking advantage;

she turned her writing skills to good account

be the sole or primary factor in the existence, acquisition, supply, or disposal of something;

Passing grades account for half of the grades given in this exam

keep an account ofto give an account or representation of in words;

Discreet Italian police described it in a manner typically continental

furnish a justifying analysis or explanation;

I can't account for the missing money

用作名词 n.
动词+~ask an account要求付账audit the accounts查账balance an account结清账目cast accounts算账charge sb's account把账记在某人账内close an account注销户头collect accounts收账cook accounts造假账,篡改账目cook up an account篡改账目credit an account with fifty dollars在账户的贷方记入五十美元doctor an account篡改账目,造假账enter an account记账examine accounts检查账目,查账falsify accounts做假账give an account进行说明,描述,做报道have an account在银行开账户keep accounts记账leave out of account不考虑look up accounts检查账目,查账make little account of轻视make much account of重视manipulate an account伪造账目open an account在银行开户overdraw an account透支pad an expense account伪造开支账provide an account提供说明publish the accounts公布账目render an account报账settles accounts with与…结账square accounts with sb与某人结清账目start an account开立账户take account of考虑某事take an account of把…入账take no account对…不考虑,不重视write an account写报道yield an account报账形容词+~accurate account确切的记录active account收支频繁的账户bad accounts收不回来的欠款,呆账biased account片面的报道blocked account被冻结的账户blow-by-blow account详尽的报道brief account简短的叙述checking account活期存款closed account已结算的账目concise account简要的说明current account往来账目detailed account详细的说明elaborate account详尽的记述exact account精确的说明faithful account真实的叙述falsified account伪造的报道fictitious account虚构的报告,非真实的陈述first-hand account第一手的报道full account详尽的说明historical account历史记录imaginary account想象的叙述inactive account静止账户joint account数人共有的银行存款等账户one-sided account片面的报道open account未结算的账户outstanding account应收账目,未清账目particular account特殊说明prejudiced account带有偏见的报道real account实账running account连续的报道short account简短的说明straight account直截了当的说明thrilling account令人激动的报道true account真实的记述uncollectable accounts坏账,呆账vivid account生动的说明名词+~bank account银行账目capital account固定资产账户cash account现金收账charge account赊购账户,记账户头credit account赊购账户,记账户头deposit account定期存款户头dollar account美元账户expense account消费账户eye-witness account目击者的叙述household accounts家庭账目individual retirement account个人退休金账户money-market account金融市场账目newspaper accounts新闻报道press accounts新闻报道profit and loss account损益账saving account存款户头time account定期存款账户~+名词account analysis账目分析account book账簿account chart会计科目一览表account credit赊账account day结算日account due应收账款account general会计主管; 会计处长account note账单account number账号account payee收款入账account purchase赊买accounts department会计处介词+~by all accounts根据各方面的说法by sb's account据某人讲for account of为…代销for this account因为这个缘故from all accounts根据各方面所说in account with与…有账务往来in an account在账目里in the last accounts归根到底,终于of little account无甚价值of no account无足轻重of small account无甚价值of some account有相当价值on account记赊账,以赊账方式on account of因为,由于on all account无论如何,总之on any account无论如何,决定,决意on every account无论如何on no account决不,无论如何也不on one's own account独自地凭自己的力量on sb's account因为某人的缘故draw cheque against an account开一张与账户有往来的支票slow at accounts不善于算账draw money from an account提取存款hand in one's accounts死pay into one's account划到某人的账上pay sth into an account把…存入账户take sth into account考虑到某事a man of account要人balance of accounts账上收支平衡a matter of great account一件要事the debtor side of the account借方draw on account从存款户头中取出一些钱drive slowly on account of the fog由于有雾,把车开慢点pay on account先付…作为部分付款pay money on account偿还部分账款payment on account分期偿还put sth on sb's account把某物记在某人的账户上sell sth on account赊卖某物go over the accounts核对账目charge sth to an account把某物记在账上charge to sb's account记入某人账目中的借项set sth down to sb's account把…记在某人的账上~+介词account for说明,解释account in credit存款户account in transit未达账account of bankruptcy破产账accounts on the credit side贷方账accounts on the debit side借方账account of the travel旅行杂记用作动词 v.~+形容词account oneself innocent认为自己很清白account oneself lucky认为自己很幸运~+介词account sb as wise认为某人聪明account for one's absence说明缺席的原因account for one's coming late说明晚来的原因account for the luminosity of解释…发光现象account for one-fourth of占…的四分之一account for two enemy planes击落两架敌机account to sb向某人说明account to sb for the money spent向某人报账
用作名词n.by sb's own account

据某人自己所说 according to what you yourself have said

by〔from〕 all accounts

据说,根据报道 according to what other people say

give a good〔poor〕 account of oneself

〈英〉表现好〔不好〕; 干得出色〔差劲〕do sth or perform well or badly, especially in contest

of no〔little〕 account

无关紧要的 not very important

on account of

由于,因为 because of sb or sth

on all accounts

在各方面,总之in all facts

on no account

决不; 绝对不not on any account, used to emphasize sth

on one's own account

独力地,依靠自己by oneself; by yourself or for yourself rather than with or for sb else

on sb's account

由于某人的原因for sb's sake; because of what you think sb wants

on this〔that〕 account

〈正〉由于这〔那〕个缘故 because of the particular things that has been mentioned

settle an account 〔accounts〕

清算,算账end a disagreement or argument with sb by defeating them

take account of

考虑到,顾及 consider particular facts, circumstances, etc., when making a decision about sth

take an account of

清算,算账 end a disagreement or argument with sb by defeating them

take into account

考虑到,顾及 consider particular facts, circumstances, etc., when making a decision about sth

take sb/sth ⇔ into accountIf you take inflation into account, we actually spend less now.如果你把通货膨胀考虑进去,我们现在其实花费少了。
We should take the interests of the whole into account.我们要顾全大局。
One must take the audience into account when making speeches.作演讲要考虑听众。
A good architect takes into account the building's surroundings.一位好的建筑师会考虑到建筑物的环境。
Compensation awards take into account the pain and suffering caused to the victim.赔偿金的裁定额考虑到了受害者所经受的痛苦和折磨。
His exam results were not very good, but we must take into account his long illness.他的考试成绩不很好,但我们必须考虑到他曾经长期生病。
I hope my teacher will take into account the fact that I was ill just before the exams when she marks my paper.我希望老师在阅卷时能考虑到我恰好在考试前生病的事实。
I think you have to take into account that he's a good deal younger than the rest of us.我想你必须要考虑到他比我们所有人要年轻得多。
The defendant asked for a number of other offence to be taken into account.被告要求考虑其他一些罪行。
Coursework is taken into account, as well as exam results.除考试结果外,课程作业也要计入成绩。
Your objections will be taken into account.你们的反对意见会得到考虑。to good account

利用; 从中获得so as to bring advantage or profit

account for v.+prep.

尤指在事故之后了解,查明know where sb/sth is or what has happened to them, especially after an accident

account for sthHis illness accounts for his absence.他因为生病,所以才缺席。
Two things account for its occurrence.发生这件事的原因有两个。
The poor weather may have accounted for the small crowd.天气不好可能是来的人少的原因。
Oh well, that accounts for it =I understand now why it happened.哎呀,原来是这么回事。
I was called to account for my conduct by the headmistress.我因为行为不检点而受到女校长的斥责。
How do you account for the show's success?你认为这次演出为何成功?You will be brought before the disciplinary panel to account for your behaviour.你将被带到纪律委员会面前对你的行为作出解释。
How do you account for the dent in the car?你对车上的凹痕作何解释?The defendant couldn't account for the fact that the money was found in his house.被告未能对钱是从他家里发现的这一事实作出令人满意的解释。
A number of factors account for the differences between the two scores.若干因素导致这两个分数之间的不同。
The disappearance of the papers has never been accounted for.那些文件丢得莫名其妙。
There are reports to be made and money to be accounted for.要写报告,说明钱是怎么用的。account for v-ingLack of money accounts for her discontinuing her studies.缺钱是她辍学的原因。account for wh-clauseCan you account for why our team lost?你能说出我们队失败的原因吗?account for sthThe Japanese market accounts for 35%.日本市场占该公司收入的35%。Repeat purchases account for 73% of our sales.重复购买占我们的销售量的73%。Computer software accounts for some 70 per cent of our range of products.计算机软件占我们产品的70%左右。
North Sea oil accounts for a high proportion of our export earnings.北海石油占我国出口收入的很大一部分。account for sb/sthOne small child was still not accounted for.还有一个小孩子下落不明。
All passengers have now been accounted for.现在所有乘客的情况均已查明。
account to v.+prep.

向某人解释provide a satisfactory record especially of money received and paid out

account to sbHe has to account to the chairman for how he spends the company's money.他一定要向主席说明他是如何花公司的钱的。近义词 taleholdratebooksstorycountjudgethinkvalueweighrecordreportreckonregardhistoryview asconsiderestimatenarrationnarrativestatementcalculatecommentarytake to bebookkeepingdescriptionexplanationlook upon asn. accountingfinancial recordversionv. believefinancial statement
用作名词n.Have you got a bank account?你有银行账户吗?
Do you have an account at this store, madam?你在这家商店有账户吗,夫人?
I'd like to open an account.我想开个户头。
My account is empty.我的账户上没有钱了。
The accounts show a profit of £9000.账上表明利润为9000英镑。
The accounts show that the business is beginning to improve.从账目上看,这个公司开始扭亏为盈。
The accounts were perfectly in order.账目丝毫不乱。
They send their account at the end of the month.他们在月底时送出账单。
I never bothered to check his accounts.我从不费心去查他的账。
She is doing her monthly accounts.她正在做每月一次的账目。
I keep my own accounts.我自己记账。
My wife handles our household accounts.我的妻子负责管理家里的账目。
You must keep your accounts in order.你必须把账管好。
He takes care of the business and his wife keeps the accounts.他负责照顾生意,他太太则负责记账。
He had to submit accounts of his expenditure.他得提交他的开支账目。
My father settles his accounts on the tenth of each month.我父亲每月10号结清账目。
Could you please pay your account in full?请你结清欠款好吗?
We have an account at Harrods.我们可以在哈罗德商店赊账。
If the advertising agency loses the United Beer account, it will make a big dent in their profits.如果这家广告代理公司失去啤酒协会这一客户,将会造成巨大的利润损失。
You can find your account in studying hard.刻苦学习能使你受益。
He's quick at accounts.他账算得很快。
He was finally brought to book for fiddling the accounts.他终因造假账而受到处分。
She deposited the check in her account.她将钱存在自己的账户上。
How much money have I got left in my account?我的账户内还有多少钱?
I have $150 in my bank account.我的银行户头上有150美元。
The sum is put down as a loss in the company's accounts.这笔款项作为亏损记入公司账目。
In his account it was an excellent piece of work.根据他的评价,这是一部优秀作品。
He stands high in their account.他们对他评价很高。
Her salary is paid into her bank account.她的薪水直接存入她的银行户头。
What's the balance of my account, please?请问我的账户上还有多少存款?
Whether you go or stay is of small account.你的去留关系不大。
You can have this on account.这货你可以赊账买下。
This is so small a shop and we cannot afford to sell things on account.我们的店小,赊不起账。
I bought my new camera by paying five dollars a week on account.我以每周付5美元的分期付款方式购买了一台新照相机。
Do not on any account be late for the meeting tomorrow.明天开会千万不要迟到。
Could you put it on my account, please?我能赊账吗?
Please don't cook on my account—I'm perfectly happy with a sandwich.请不要为我做饭——我吃三明治很好。
I need to draw some money out of my account.我需要从我的账户里取些钱。
He asked the shopkeeper to put this down to his account.他叫店员把这笔钱记在他的账上。
According to all accounts the meeting was successful.据大家说,会议是成功的。
I think we'd all agree that you turned your negotiating skills to very good account in this afternoon's meeting.我想我们看法一致,认为你在今天下午的会议上充分发挥了你的谈判技巧。
He became rich by turning his money to account.他有效应用自己的金钱因而致富。
She invested her money to good account.她用自己的钱做有利可图的投资。
We must turn our time to better account.我们必须更好地利用时间。
The book opens with an account of the ins and the outs of the event.这本书以介绍这个事件的原委开始。
Several eyewitnesses' accounts differed considerably from the official version of events .几位目击者的叙述与官方报道相差相当大。
Their two accounts are very different.他们的两种报道大不一样。~+ prep. -phraseHe makes much account of her musical talent.他很看重她的音乐才华。
There were accounts of the incident in the paper.报纸上有该事件的报道。
He keeps a regular account of his income and expenses.他对自己的收入和支出经常记账。
Who said I still owed for the transistor?I paid 50 dollars down and gave a good account of it.谁说我还欠半导体的钱?我当时付了50美元清了账。
It contains a trustworthy account of the campaign.它载有一篇关于那场运动的可靠报道。
Today's paper carries an exciting account of the match.今天的报纸刊载了这场比赛的精彩报导。
Don't always believe newspaper accounts of political events.不要完全相信报纸的政治报道。
It was Martin who gave a very good account of himself in the match.是马丁在比赛中表现得极为出色。
She gave a good account of herself from beginning to end of the Party Consolidation Movement.她在整党运动中始终表现得很好。
Keep an account of your daily activities.把你的日常活动记录下来。
She gave a thrilling account of her life in the jungle.她绘声绘色地描述了自己在丛林中的生活。
I believe you gave a very good account of what happened.我相信你对事情发生的经过作了很好的描述。
The biography gives a vivid account of his life and fortunes.这部传记对他的生平及其经历的盛衰荣辱作了生动的描述。
The fishermen gave eyewitness accounts of enemy aircraft intrusions into the airspace over the island.渔民们讲述他们亲眼看到敌机侵入岛屿上空的情况。
I wish you would give me a more detailed account of your trip.我希望你更详细地谈谈你旅行的情况。
She gave us a long account of her trip to Europe.她给我们讲了一大堆欧洲之行的见闻。
Following is an account of how the Long March had come about and ended in victory.以下是一篇记述长征是如何开始、如何胜利结束的报道。
The boy gave his father an account of the ball game.那男孩向他父亲描述球赛的情况。
George gives a good account of himself in the dock.乔治在受审时为自己做了好的辩护。
He gave me a full account of his plan.他针对他的计划给我作了完整的说明。
I've opened an account with a building society.我在一个建筑协会开了一个账户。
He started an account with the bank.他在银行里立了户头。
I should manage to square accounts with the bank before the end of the quarter.在本季度结束之前我应该设法与银行清账。
I would like to open an account with you.我想在你们这儿开个账户。~+that-clauseOn the account that the train is coming, the children are standing clear of the rails.因为火车来了,所以孩子们站在离铁路较远的地方。用作动词v.
S+~+ n./pron. +to be/as+ n./adj.The teachers account him a good student.老师们认为他是个好学生。
We all account him a qualified teacher.我们都认为他是一名合格的教师。
I account it a piece of good fortune.我认为那是一件幸运的事。
I account myself well paid.我认为我所得的报酬还不错。
We account him to be reliable.我们认为他可靠。
Tom accounts himself to be lucky.汤姆认为自己运气好。
Her brother was accounted a great scholar.她哥哥被认为是一个大学者。
Professor Clinton is accounted a famous linguist.克林顿教授被认为是一位著名的语言学者。
He was accounted a wise man.他被认为是个聪明人。
The event was accounted a success.人人认为这次是成功的。
The Chinese people are accounted industrious and brave.中国人民被认为是勤劳勇敢的人民。
In English law a person is accounted innocent until they are proved guilty.按英国法律,一个人未经证实有罪之前被视为无罪。S+~+it+ n./adj. +to- vHe accounted it fun to go to sea.他认为去海边很有趣。We haveaccountswith most of our suppliers.我们与大多数供应商都是实行赊购制。
The agency has lost several of its most importantaccounts.这家代理机构失去了几家最重要的老客户。用作动词A man isaccountedinnocent until he is proven guilty.一个人未被证明有罪前,被视为是清白的。




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