词汇 | 不拘一格 |
释义 | 不拘一格 辨形“格”,不能写作“咯”。 辨形“格”,不能写作“咯”。 歇后语中药铺的家伙 法文ne pas observer une formule toute faitesans être limité par un cliché 龚自珍27岁中举人,38岁中进士,在清朝政府里做了20年左右的官。由于他不满官场中的腐败和黑暗,一直受到排挤和打击。1839年,在他48岁时,就毅然辞官回老家。在回乡的旅途中,他看着祖国的大好河山,目睹生活在苦难中的人民,不禁触景生情,思绪万千,即兴写下了一首又一首诗。 一天,龚自珍路过镇江,只见街上人山人海,热闹非凡,一打听,原来当地在赛神。人们抬着玉皇;风神;雷神等天神在虔诚地祭拜。这时,有人认出了龚自珍。一听当代文豪也在这里,一位道士马上挤上前来恳请龚自珍为天神写篇祭文。龚自珍一挥而就写下了《九州生气恃风雷》这首诗,全诗共四句: “九州生气恃风雷,万马齐喑究可哀; 我劝天公重抖擞,不拘一格降人才。” 诗中九州是整个中国的代称。诗的大意说,中国要有生气,要凭借疾风迅雷般的社会变革,现在人们都不敢说话,沉闷得令人可悲。我奉劝天公重新振作起来,不要拘泥于常规,把有用的人才降到人间来吧。 后来,人们把“不拘一格降人才”精简成“不拘一格”这个成语,用来比喻不拘泥于一种规格;办法。 诗里还引申出“万马齐喑”这个成语,比喻空气沉闷的局面。 【注意】含褒义。 反义词 Eclectic, casual creativity, Feng complicated three- point plan can be used to express, the tiger's back in the flying geese can. Dress, not stick to one pattern, is the target of“ masterpiece” mainstream early, only to dozens of years later, still goes on and development. Marsh & McLennan and JetBlue provide good examples of companies that took a no-holds-barred approach to brand rehabilitation. It includes all forms of shopping, from the grocery store to designer boutiques. It is nice to see someone dressing differently. Up close, you can see that it's a steel sculpture of an eclectic bunch of subjects. We can expect an extraordinary variety of genre and apparent eclecticism, but with an underlying conformity of sentiment and vision. Mr Rosen subscribes neither to the “ great man” or the“historical inevitability” schools of history, and his account is wonderfully eclectic. Mr Ma's approach to running the company is similarly independent. The American poetess Emily Dickinson in the19th century is well-known for her original imagery and unbound language style. Mr. Jobs, the brilliant and protean creator whose inventions so utterly transformed the allure of technology, turned those childhood lessons into an all- purpose theory of intelligent design. Vitality and vigor: INNOVA Mindulle advocating vitality and vigor, all kinds of good design to attract newcomers, wallpaper design for a steady flow of fresh blood. Although they are banned by some conservative clerics, Turkish soap operas are hits on Arab television stations, and they promote a more flexible and individualistic form of Muslim culture. The items he specified were an eclectic bunch, including the Channel Tunnel rail link, the Totea bookmaker, the student-loan portfolio and property. His technical approach to the moving image is also as eclectic as his subject matter: rapid-fire editing, idiosyncratic camera angles and lighting, and seamless meshing of soundtrack and imagery. The eclectic modern elements, tableware can be free and unconstrained. With such a man let loose in the Senate, there was no hope of bipartisanship. View of the international network, the site layout changes, elegant, eclectic. That means studying poets and orators who wield the full resources of expression: vivid metaphors, elegant parallels, subtle irony, or picturesque imagery. Extraordinary body pattern always gives you kind of visions enjoyment by accident to satisfy trend- spotters desire for continuous pursuit of beauty. Gorbachev has pursued some more eclectic interests as well. Conclusion:It was effective that some new teaching methods of pharmaceutical engineering experiment be applied. To my surprise, and again, against every bias and shady Chinatown meals, I also found some of the world's freshest food and most eclectic crops. The American style of education compared to that of other countries is quite informal. In the past few decades, moreover, it has become even more liberal as the Turkish middle class has grown more individualistic and welcoming of reformist theology. |
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