词汇 | 不得要领 |
释义 | 不得要领 辨形“领”,不能写作“龄”。 辨形“领”,不能写作“龄”。 法文ne pas saisir l'essentiel de qch.ne pas entrer dans le vif du sujet 俄文не мочь уловить глáвного 德文das Wesentliche nicht fassen kǒnnen 拉丁文nihil ad rem 当时,武帝正想消灭匈奴。听了这话,想和月氏友好往来。但要到月氏去,必须经过匈奴,于是招募能出使月氏的人。担任郎官不久的张骞应募出使,被武帝批准。 不幸的是,张骞经过匈奴的时候,还是被抓住,押送到单于那里。单于把张骞扣留下来,并且对他说:“月氏在我们的西北,你们汉人怎么能出使到那里去?如果我们要出使到越国去,你们能让我们去吗?” 就这样,张骞被匈奴扣留了十多年。匈奴给了他妻室,使他有了儿子,但张骞始终保存了汉朝交给他的使节。 后来,匈奴放松了对张骞的监视。于是,他与随从们一起逃走,朝月氏方向前进。他们走了几十天,来到了大宛国。大宛的国王听说汉朝十分富足,想和汉朝往来,只是未能如愿;见张骞后非常高兴,问他打算到哪里去。张骞回答说:“我奉汉朝之命出使去月氏,被匈奴人封锁了交通,如今从匈奴逃到这里。希望大王能派人给我带路,送我到月氏去。如果能到那里,将来回到汉朝,汉朝将赠送给你们无数财物。”大宛的国王听从张骞的话,为他派出向导和翻译,一直送到了康居国,康居国又派人送他到了月氏。原来,月氏遭到匈奴人的攻击,国王被杀,大部分人西迁到了这里,称为大月氏。现在国人已立被杀国王的太子为国王,统治着早先就存在的大夏国而定居了下来。那里土地肥沃,物产丰富,没有外来的侵略,他们只想太平无事,快乐逍遥,又觉得和汉朝的距离很远,不再有向匈奴报复的心愿了。张骞从大月氏到大夏,始终不能得到月氏对与汉共击匈奴之事的明确态度。他在那里留住了一年多,就起程回国了。 【注意】含贬义。 反义词 Windows 7 tries to handle touch operation but it is still hit and miss. The Obama administration doesn't seem to get it. But it remains uncertain about what to do and say regarding specific countries. But this debate, though it is pushing down share prices, misses the point. But the WWF Earth Hour campaign has to be one of the most misguided and counterproductive actions I have ever seen. But people who compare Ruby on Rails with a mix of general- purpose Java frameworks are missing the point. Much of the debate and the supposition about his motives have been swirling in a vacuum of substantial information. Nevertheless Reagan's unfortunate comment about fraud on “ both sides” threatened to put the United States on the wrong side at a critical moment. If you are not kind, then you will only cause your partner to set up their defenses and then communication becomes pointless. So many arguments are so pointless. Besides being vile and stupid, however, the editorial was beside the point. |
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