词汇 | 不屈不挠 |
释义 | 不屈不挠 辨形“屈”,不能写作“曲”。 辨析参见“百折不挠”。。 辨形“屈”,不能写作“曲”。 辨析见“百折不挠”。 歇后语铁人遭棍打 法文inflexibleindomptable 俄文непоколебимый 汉成帝三年的秋天,京城长安城中忽然有传言说要发大水了,长安城就要被水吞没了。刹时间,整个长安城的老百姓都惊慌起来大家扶老携幼,争相逃命。 消息传到宫中,汉成帝立即召集文武百官到宫中议事,商量对策。成帝的舅父;大将军王凤也惊慌失措,劝成帝;太后赶快躲到船上去准备撤离。大臣们也纷纷附和王凤的意见。只有孙丞相王商坚决反对,他认为大水不可能突然而来,一定是谣传,在这个关键时刻更不能轻易撤离,这样只会使人心更加慌乱。成帝采纳了王商的意见,过了一会,城里也没见大水来,谣言不攻自破,城里的秩序也慢慢恢复了。调查下来,确实是传言失实。成帝对王商能力排众议很赞赏。王凤却认为是王商使他下不了台,因此心怀不满。 王凤有个亲戚叫杨肜,是琅那太守,因为没有把他管辖的地方管理好,王商要办他的罪,王凤为此亲自跑到王商面前,替杨肜说情,为他开脱。王商坚持原则,免去了杨肜的官职,王凤更加怀恨在心,千方百计想要打击报复。于是他勾结了同伙,诬陷王商。汉成帝最后听信了谗言,罢免了王商的丞相职务。 但是,是非自有公论。《汉书》的作者班固在撰写王商的传记时对王商的评价是:为人诚实公正,不屈不侥。这样的评论是很客观公正的。 桡:弯曲。诎:屈服。 【注意】含褒义。 反义词 You will give them less experience than they'd want, but you will provide a lot of fire-in-the-belly tenacity, grit, and hard work. But desirable though chastity and constancy might be and achievable, too, if the under-15 data are reliable they cannot do the job alone. But the non- routine problems offer the opportunity to create competitive advantage, and solving those problems requires creative thought and tenacity. But nowadays Daqing is no longer living testimony to China's indomitable spirit of self-reliance. And we leverage the skills and perseverance of women, who are the majority of the world's farmers. Changing life-long habits is a full-time job that requires patience, perseverance, discipline and most importantly support. Today the spectacular Brooklyn Bridge stands in all its glory as a tribute to the triumph of one man's indomitable spirit and his determination not to be defeated by circumstances. Their doggedness earned them the “ bitter admiration” of the allied forces as they fought their bloody way through Normandy to liberate Paris. The human spirit is indomitable. People expressed thanks for the solidarity the world had shown Japan. They were proud, too, that their indomitable spirit had been recognised. But fortitude, he argues, does not just happen. It depends on notions of civil harmony and responsibility, which governments have an important role in supporting. He is endowed with indomitable will. Demonstrating indomitable courage, he fought to regain the use of his legs, particularly through swimming. She told her that all she needed to do was to have faith, persistence, encourage and indomitable spirit. Awed by that indomitable courage! My third reason for hope is the indomitable human spirit—the people, all around us in all walks of life who tackle seemingly impossible tasks and never give up. Students are told that if they want to succeed they must be like King Goujian, sleeping on brushwood and tasting gall—that great accomplishments come only with sacrifice and unyielding purpose. Approach life with perseverance and dedication to the things that matter most to you. A great man is one who has a strong will and an indomitable spirit. They have demonstrated tenacity, professionalism and courage in taking part in the UK national response to help the people of Haiti. In a film with abundant conflict but no villain, the goodness of Mr. Rush's man reveals itself through tenacity and unflappable humor. This long gallery of hybridized, fast- growing poplar trees on a Californian tree farm is reminiscent of a Gothic cathedral, a structure that testifies to the human spirit’s perseverance through time. The fight against TB demands the determination and tenacity of all of us. The students are relentlessly instructed in the importance of team spirit, self- sacrifice and perseverance. Here was the source of my mother's indomitable spirit which shone strongly even in her last years. |
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