词汇 | 不学无术 |
释义 | 不学无术 辨形“术”,不能写作“木”。 辨形“术”,不能写作“木”。 法文n'avoir ni savoir ni compétenceignorant et incompétent 俄文невéжда 德文von geistigen Arbeitern ignorant und inkompetent 刘询承皇位以后,立许妃做皇后。霍光的妻子霍显,是个贪图富贵的女人,她想把自己的小女儿成君嫁给刘询做皇后,就乘许娘娘有病的机会,买通女医下毒害死了许后。毒计败露,女医下狱。此事霍光事先一点也不知道,等事情出来了,霍显才告诉他。霍光非常惊惧,指责妻子不该办这种事情。他也想去告发,但又不忍心妻子被治罪,前思后想,还是把这件伤天害理的事情隐瞒下来了。霍光死后,有人向宣帝告发此案,宣帝派人去调查处理。霍光的妻子听说了,与家人;亲信商量对策,决定召集族人策划谋反,不想走漏了风声,宣帝派兵将霍家包围,满门抄斩。 东汉史学家班固在《汉书·霍光传》中评论霍光的功过。说他“不学无术,暗于大理”,意思是:霍光不读书,没学识,因而不明关乎大局的道理。 亡:通“无”。 【注意】含贬义。 反义词 There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. From his words and behaviour I know that he is a know- it- all fellow. Bold knaves thrive without one grain of sense. But good men starve for want of impudence. College has spoiled you by reading papers that don't deserve to be read, listening to comments that don't deserve a hearing, paying attention even to the lazy, ill-informed and rude. But, Jim is really good for nothing, and he's always behind schedule for his work. Party, and the ignorance and wasted time of Da wide compared to his girlfriend in the music, Xiao Yang was full of air and makes the child look like. He is so ignorant that he cannot write his own name. He is a dandy, he never studies anything. She was a woman of mean understanding, little information, and uncertain temper. When she was discontented, she fancied herself nervous. I think I may boast myself to be, with all possible vanity, the most unlearned and uninformed female who ever dared to be an authoress. Learn not to have art not? Be ignorant and incompetent! This is the true portraiture of contemporary undergraduate! A couple of young nerds— two Harvard undergraduates, Mark Zuckerberg and Eduardo Saverin— come up with a brilliant idea for a website and launch a prototype. |
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