词汇 | 不堪回首 |
释义 | 不堪回首 辨形“堪”,不能写作“勘”。 辨形“堪”,不能写作“勘”。 法文c'est insupportable de rappeler le passé 俄文не в силах вспоминáть 德文nicht auf die Vergangenheit zurückblicken wollen 这时统治南唐的是李煜yu,世称李后主。他在政治;军事上昏庸无能,但在文学艺术方面很有才能,诗词;音乐;书画等无所不能。他从小在深宫里长大,过着奢侈的生活,因此他的作品也大都描写宫廷生活的情景。李煜的妻子周后娥皇,容貌出众,擅长书画歌舞,但不幸早逝。后来,李煜又与娥皇的妹妹小周后相爱,在花前月下饮酒作乐,而把国家大事置之脑后。 宋朝的威胁越来越严重,但李煜迷恋于歌舞升平的生活,只想求得眼前安逸,并不作抵御的准备,而一味向宋朝屈服。宋朝在哪里作战胜利或者有什么喜庆活动,他就赶紧命人向宋朝进贡财宝。后来,又主动向宋朝上表,希望取消南唐国号,作为宋朝的附庸。 公元974年秋,宋太祖赵匡胤两次派使者通知他到开封朝见。李煜怕赵匡胤杀他,称病不去。于是赵匡胤以此为借口,派十万大军征伐南唐。 第二年初,宋军抵达长江北岸,南唐都城金陵危急。但李煜以为宋军无法渡过长江,整天在宫内和一班和尚道士讲经说法。 一天李煜偶尔外出登城,见城外都是宋军的旗帜,才急忙去召援军,但为时已晚。挨到这年冬天,宋军消灭了南唐最后一支援军,终于攻破金陵。李煜被迫投降,被押到开封去。 李煜穿戴着白衣纱帽,战战兢兢地接受赵匡胤的召见。赵匡胤没有杀他,侮辱性地封他为违命侯,把他安置在城里。他名义上是侯,实际上过着囚犯一样难堪的生活。 李煜是个多愁善感的人,降宋后的痛苦生活,自然使他抑郁不堪。不久赵匡胤去世,他的弟弟赵匡义即位,世称宋太宗。太宗取消了李煜违命侯的封号,封他为陇西郡公。但是,太宗比太祖更为猜忌。一次,李煜懊悔当时不该杀了两个忠臣,太宗得知后非常恼怒。 一天,李煜做了一首名为《虞美人》的词。词有“小楼昨夜又东风,故国不堪回首月明中”等句,其中的意思是,过去美好的一切不能再回顾,回顾了只能使人更感到痛苦。 这首词传到太宗那里,太宗对他至今还在恋念故国非常忌恨。后来,又有一些怀恋故国的词作传到太宗那里,于是太宗派人将他毒死。 【注意】多用于令人伤感的往事。 反义词 For various reasons, some leadership and department would not about those of past. The old days when kids carried on the family business, farmed the family spread or took their aging parents into their homes are, for the most part, long past. Jane, sensing that her employer is suffering from the consequences of some mysterious sin of the past, gives him all her sympathy and gradually finds herself falling in love with him. Instantly I had the kind of fame and success that few writers ever experience. The shadows had turned into dazzling limelight. In short, it was a year, and a financial quarter, to forget. Last year may have been one to forget for these businesses but analysts at Nomura believe that banks will be lucky if income from them scrapes the same level in 2011. However, without some sort of spiritual energy or peace or karma, it is very difficult to close that chapter and move on without feelings of bitterness and resentment. And she looks on this period of her life, the months of incredible pain and suffering, with a kind of distant pragmatism. A car crash victim has spoken of the horror he endured for23 years after he was misdiagnosed as being in a coma when he was conscious the whole time. This bronze was created by Rodin in his late years. “The Old Courtesan” was once an eminent beauty, a woman to die for. The power is in this moment.In this moment, we have the choice to create painful memories from the past, or we can create a beautiful tomorrow. The experience was painful, but at least it left Turkey better prepared than other countries when the next crisis struck seven years later. Finally, it seems, Spain is ready to confront a horrifying aspect of its recent past. |
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