词汇 | 不合时宜 |
释义 | 不合时宜 辨形“合”,不能写作“和”。 辨形“合”,不能写作“和”。 歇后语三伏天穿棉袄 法文incompatible avec la marche du tempshors de saison 德文unzeitgemǎβ altmodisch “汉朝的历法已经衰落,应当重新接受天命。成帝当时没有顺应天命,所以他没有亲生儿子。现在,皇上您生病的时间已很长了,天下又多次发生各种变异,这些都是上天的警告。皇上只有马上改变年号,才可以延年益寿,生养皇子,平息灾祸。如果明白了这个道理而不照着做,各种灾祸都会发生,人民就要遭受灾难。”哀帝听了夏贺良的一番话,也盼自己身体健康,就在建平二年六月甲子日,即丁太后死后的第四天,发布诏书,大赦天下,改建平三年为太初元年,改帝号为“陈圣刘太平皇帝”,把计时的漏上的刻度从一百度改为一百二十度。 改变年号以后,哀帝还是照样生病。夏贺良等人想趁机干预朝政,遭到朝中大臣的反对。哀帝也因夏贺良的话没有应验,派人对他们的所作所为作了调查,知道他们实际上是一伙骗子,于是在八月间又下诏书,说道:“黄门待诏夏贺良等建议改变年号和帝号,说增加漏的刻度可以使国家永远安定,我误听了他们的话,希望给天下带来安定,但是并没有应验。夏贺良等所说的所做的,都违经背古,不合时宜。六月甲子日的诏书,除了大赦一项之外,全部废除。” 这次改元不到两个月就结束了。夏贺良等人因妖言惑众,被处以死刑。 反义词 Either way, many residents in the south-west city of Chongqing are not happy about the development of China's first sex theme park, which has been described as “vulgar” and inappropriate. Our negotiators think they’re asking questions about tariffs, and the Chinese respond indignantly that kissing would be inappropriate. Closely- spaced and ill- timed pregnancies and births also place babies and children at greater risk of dying or poor development. Given the pain that nearly everyone is experiencing, that would be entirely inappropriate. No company can afford to be associated with anything the public finds disagreeable, whether it is legal or not. Censoring media content that is inappropriate locally is part of government responsibilities everywhere. He did not disturb the wretchedness of her mind by ill- timed conversation. It's so inappropriate and ghoulish, I think, in this already sufficiently ghoulish context. We consider the embargo as outdated, inappropriate and inconsistent with the comprehensive strategic partnership which is rapidly developing. We can ill afford needless layers of bureaucracy and outmoded programs. Nor did it stop James Connolly-Heron, the great-grandson of a hero of the Easter Rising, claiming the visit was inappropriate and insensitive. On farms in eastern China watermelons began exploding in fields, which was blamed on ill- timed applications of a growth stimulant. The ill- timed revelation not only stalled his own bid for freedom, but also stunted his identity. This is an outdated policy. Don’t wear inappropriate clothing, chew gum, or show up late. |
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