词汇 | 不可多得 |
释义 | 不可多得 辨形“得”,不能写作“的”。 辨形“得”,不能写作“的”。 德文nur selten kostbar 在荐表中,孔融盛赞祢衡有惊人的才学和记忆力,只见过一次,就能背诵,只听到一次就能记住。像祢衡这样的奇才,是不可多得的。汉献帝什么都要听命于独揽朝廷大权的曹操,便把荐表交给了他,由他去作主。曹操决定召见祢衡,但祢衡瞧不起曹操,自称得了狂病,不肯前往,后来总算去了,但在言语之间得罪了曹操。 曹操心里冒火,便让祢衡当鼓吏,在自己大宴宾客的时候让他击鼓,借以当众侮辱。不料,祢衡竟利用当这个差的机会,击一阵鼓骂一阵曹操。结果,受辱的倒反是曹操。 曹操本想杀了祢衡,但又怕留下害贤的坏名声,便派他去荆州劝说刘表来降,实际上是企图借刘表之手杀他。 不料,刘表仰慕祢衡之名已久,把他奉为上宾,并把他当作高级顾问,每次议事或发布文告,都要征求他的意见,他不表态便不作决定。但是,祢衡在刘表那里的时间也不长。日子一久,他傲慢地对待刘表,使刘表无法忍受。于是,刘表将他派到江夏太守黄祖那里去当书记。 黄祖知道祢衡的文名很高,让他起草文稿。不论是什么文稿,祢衡总是一挥而成,而且总是写得非常得体,符合黄祖的要求。为此,黄祖很看重他。 黄祖的长子黄射yi也是当官的。他对祢衡的文才同样非常欣赏,常常邀祢衡游山玩水。一次,两人参观了东汉文字家蔡邕yong写的一块碑文,都觉得文笔很好,书法也很漂亮,深为赞美。 回家后,黄射懊悔当时没有把碑文抄下来,以便细细回味。祢衡知道了他的心思后,说:“不妨事,我虽然只看了一遍,但还能记住。且让我写出来。” 祢衡说罢,竟凭记忆把碑文全部默写了出来。事后,黄射派人去核对,竟然一字不差。众人知道,都夸祢衡是不可多得的奇才。一次,黄射欢宴宾客,有人在宴会上献给他一只鹦鹉。黄射非常喜爱,当场请祢衡作一篇关于鹦鹉的赋。祢衡略一思忖,便举笔疾书,不一会儿把赋写毕。这就是他的代表作《鹦鹉赋》。 尽管祢衡才学很高,记忆力惊人,但他狂妄自傲的表现没有丝毫收敛。一天,黄祖在船上宴客,他出言不逊。黄祖数说了他几句,他竟当众大骂黄祖。黄祖在盛怒之下,命人将他拉上岸去处死。当时祢衡才二十五岁。 【注意】一般用于赞扬。 反义词 “ Lily” as a masterpiece of Ru Zhi-juan is one of the rarely outstanding novels in recent seventeen years. But those that actually build tangible goods should no longer assume that“ Made in the USA” is an unaffordable luxury. For travelers, it would be rare and leisure place. He is an asset to Wesley and the entire advertising department. With60 million unique visitors per month, the company is a great platform for those looking to publish their original works. Evil in general does not sleep, and therefore doesn't see why anyone else should. But Crowley liked sleep, it was one of the pleasures of the world. It is a rare, high- quality folk musical work in recent years, which fully unfolds the charm of Chinese folk orchestra. Fate presents an opportunity wrapped in a necessity: to modernize multilateralism and markets. The people around you and in your community can be one of your greatest untapped resources for meeting someone. It's rare to find a work of fiction that can be hysterically funny at some points, while deeply moving and disturbing at others. It’s even more unusual to find such qualities in a work of non- fiction. That which exists was for this good and rare priest a permanent subject of sadness which sought consolation. Though people in Shanghai will see no more than a partial eclipse, experts said it will be a great experience, because the sun will be setting while the eclipse is still in progress. They are rare examples of bucking the trend that, as countries get richer, their birth rates fall. They are all rare treasures. I knew, any one of mother's things, would become rare symbols in future. Cutting fees is now touted as a “ quick win”, one of precious few easy victories in development. Fortunate to know you, it is my rare friends. In the right circumstances antibiotics are invaluable, but we have to use them selectively. It's a rare book. They make great/span> holiday and birthday gifts. These are all rare historical relics. In summary, travelling overseas is an amazing opportunity for personal growth, which not everyone has the chance, or the inclination to take part in. As a diplomat, I admire you for having such an extraordinary and historical opportunity in your diplomatic career. Harper Lee's awesome novel of the deep south in the midst of the Depression is always an excellent choice for high school students. So Hulu is in the rare position of being able to increase inventory through new content and more views and make money from it. |
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