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词汇 不亦乐乎
释义 不亦乐乎 bù yì lè hū 常用成语
be extremely繁体不亦樂乎近义不可开交;淋漓尽致正音“乐”,不能读作“yuè”。
法文être on ne peut plusêtre tout content,n'est-ce pas
俄文дохнуть нéкогда哎,那骂得可真也是不亦乐乎。郭沫若《屈原》第五幕偏正式:作谓语;状语;形容动作;状态到了极端地步;中性词。先秦 孔子《论语 学而》:“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?”解释: 意为“不也是很快乐的吗?”表示十分高兴。《论语·学而》:“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?”
李国文《淡之美》:“人生在世,求淡之美,得禅趣,不亦乐乎?”解释: 表示程度过甚,达到难以控制的地步。明·凌濛初《二刻拍案惊奇》卷三一:“王俊索性赶上,拳头脚尖一齐来。族长道:‘使不得!使不得!’忙来劝时,已打得不亦乐乎了。”


近义词 不可开交岂不快哉淋漓尽致
我的妻子此时正忙得不亦乐乎,所以她建议佩吉到字典上查这个词,然后她们可以再讨论它。My wife was rushed at the moment, so she suggested that Peggy look up the word in the dictionary, after which they could talk about it.
这故事滑稽极了,使我们笑得不亦乐乎。The story was so funny it had us in convulsions.不光瑞士,其他国家的巧克力制造商也忙得不亦乐乎。
And it's not only Swiss chocolate makers who are thriving while others are struggling. yeeyan

Hackers on both sides worked to deface websites, with one attack successfully redirecting traffic from several high- profile Israeli websites to a page featuring anti- Israel messages. yeeyan

In daily life, of course, many people live happily in more than one sphere. ecocn

Surely only the God of the Old Testament would imagine a plague that smites gay men just as they are starting to enjoy themselves. ecocn

The couple that was awfully busy, just after10, is about to close when, suddenly heard“ squeaky” slight sound of the door opening, a collar with two boys woman gently into the shop. dict

For decades, Germany was happy fighting culture wars over nuclear versus renewable energy, while conveniently forgetting that it was increasingly dependent on Russian gas imports. ecocn

At a cocktail party I attended there earlier this year, Wendi showed herself an attentive host and a caring mother to her two young daughters, who ran about the compound with other children. yeeyan

尽管诸如 Archer Daniels Midland等农业综合企业已经建设了很多乙醇精炼厂,农民合作组织和投资商也忙得不亦乐乎。
Although agribusinesses such as Archer Daniels Midland have built many ethanol refineries, farmers' co-operatives and local investors have also been busily building as well. ecocn

目前最成功的平面广告是“ Tammy,”此人减了138磅并且忙得不亦乐乎。
The best-performing print ad right now is“ Tammy,” who shed138 pounds and became engaged. yeeyan

The eccentric, worldwide fraternity of Nabokov scholars had a field day. yeeyan

南非,克鲁格国家公园。 一只小狒狒在玩弄别人丢弃的口香糖,不亦乐乎。
A young baboon plays with a discarded lump of chewing gum, in the Kruger National Park, South Africa. yeeyan

Although Christmas is not a public holiday, many Chinese cities are still getting into the Christmas spirit. hjenglish

He decided to take this difficult course, which had made him extremely busy during the summer.

We have purposely omitted cobwebbed bottles, the patron in his white cap bustling among his sauces, anecdotes about charming little restaurants with gleaming napery, and so forth. yeeyan

We were in many, many arguments-- We got into many, many arguments and one time something happened where he came up to my car in a parking lot and he was yelling at me through the window.163

It is not possible to know what little babies are feeling, but many adults remember consciously enjoying masturbation from the age of three. yeeyan

一种广受欢迎的儿童玩具 Webkinz内部含有大量的动物,其中每个动物都“隐含”一个虚拟角色,一块显示屏便能让孩子在虚拟世界里与这些角色玩得不亦乐乎。
A popular kid’s toy Webkinz instills stuffed animals with a virtual character that is“ hidden” inside; a screen enables children to play with this inner character online in a virtual world. yeeyan

Banks and businesses are also working feverishly preparing for worst- case scenarios. yeeyan

在 M.D jami医院,受伤的居民被源源不断地抬到匆匆搭建起来的帐篷中,接受忙的不亦乐乎的大夫的治疗。
At the M. Djamil hospital, a constant stream of injured residents were dropped off at hastily erected tents where doctors worked frantically. yeeyan

One of these involves a dog-like robot humping the leg of the heroine. yeeyan

This early 1990's picture of President Bill Clinton and Vice President Al Gore has been making the Internet rounds in recent days. yeeyan

The domestic-security apparatus is at its busiest since Saddam was overthrown six years ago, especially in the capital. ecocn




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