释义 |
不中用 bù zhōng yòng 基本例句 uselessunfit for anythingno goodfit for the wastepaper basketserve no purpose 任何事情都可以使之高兴满足的家伙,若非全不中用,是即居心叵测。The fellow that's pleased with everything either don't cut any ice or has something up his sleeve. 最好的队员都投奔大俱乐部去了,就只给我们剩下些不中用的人。The best players go off to the big clubs, leaving us the dross. 他被看作是不中用的人而被解雇了。He was branded asno goodand fired. 他到了93岁终於意识到自己已不中用。At 93 he's finally realized he's getting past it. |