释义 |
上衣 shàng yī ★☆☆☆☆n.名词⁰·⁰⁰¹⁴ᴾᵃ⁷⁹⁷³ 基本例句 🎽jacketupper outer garmentjupefrockjacketingblouse 她试图用清洁剂来除他短上衣上面的污痕,但搓洗不掉。The tried to remove the mark from his jacket with a cleaning fluid, but it wouldn't rub out. 他的血透过衬衫染污了上衣。The blood soaked through his shirt and stained his jacket. 我上衣袖子上有个破口。There's a tear in the arm of my jacket. 她穿著一件红色的短上衣。She has a red jacket on. |