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词汇 Birt
释义 Birt ˈbɝːt 
The BIRT processes all items at all levels in an iterative fashion, following the same process at each level as it does for the top- level items.
BIRT会以交互性的方式来处理所有层次的项目,接下来它会以对顶级层次项目相同的操作来处理每一个层次。 ibm

The BIRT provides many elements that help customize our report, such as tables, chart and so on.
BIRT提供了许多元素,可以帮助您定制报表,例如表格,图表等等。 ibm

Using this approach reports are referenced in relation to the BIRT Viewer, not the new context.
在这种方式下,报表将通过 BIRT查看器被引用,而不是新的上下文。 infoq

Also, BIRT can take advantage of the data mart as a cache.
同样, BIRT可以利用数据集市作为缓存的优势。 ibm

But in a BIRT report, you can create as many data sets as you want.
但是在一个 BIRT报表中,您可以创建尽可能多的数据集。 ibm

Data Transformation: BIRT provides support to sort, filter, group and summarize data before it is presented to the user.
数据转换: BIRT在把数据展现给用户之前,提供了对数据排序、过滤、分组、汇总的支持。 infoq

Dynamic parameters are parameters that can be data bound to an existing BIRT data set.
动态参数可以是绑定到现存的 BIRT数据集的一些数据。 infoq

Each section below describes a different advanced feature that might be required in a BIRT report.
下面的每一节将描述 BIRT报告中可能需要的不同的高级特性。 ibm

In addition, BIRT data sources now support the ability to link or import connection profiles that are stored locally to allow sharing of connection credentials across reports.
除此之外,现在 BIRT数据源具备导入或者链接本地连接配置文件的能力以此来达到跨报表的连接共享的目的。 infoq

It also lays a foundation to expand BIRT project's scope from pure reporting to OLAP.
它还为将 BIRT项目的范围从纯报表工具扩展为 OLAP铺平了道路。 infoq

It will not elaborate on how to use BIRT itself, which is material covered at length in other books and online resources.
它将不会对如何使用 BIRT本身作出详细的说明,这将在其它书籍或者在线资料中有详尽的材料论述。 ibm

Second, we can custom a report to meet our requirement based on Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools BIRT.
第二,我们可以定制一个报表,以满足基于业务职能和报表工具 BIRT的需求。 ibm

The purpose of the tutorial is to teach the basics of model reporting, and it will focus on how to extract model data into a BIRT report.
这篇教程的目的是教一些模型报表的基础知识,它将重点阐述如何将模型数据提取到一个 BIRT报表中。 ibm

The reason why we are using a BIRT method is that it is easier and more flexible, and offers solutions to challenges around work item reporting.
为什么我们要使用 BIRT方法的原因,就是它更容易,更灵活,并且提供了应对工作项报表挑战的方案。 ibm

These result sets are not BIRT data sets, but contain the bound columns from the data container, which are usually retrieved from a data set.
这些结果集并不是 BIRT的数据集,但却包含了数据容器中绑定的列,而该数据容器中的数据则来自于一个数据集。 infoq

These values can also be combined with additional data using the BIRT Expression Builder.
这些值也可以利用 BIRT的表达式构建器与其他数据联合使用。 infoq

This aggregate function will provide the current row number as BIRT processes each data row.
当 BIRT处理每个数据行时,这个聚合函数将提供当前行数。 ibm

This method simply describes to the BIRT engine the parameters and their types.
此方法向 BIRT引擎简单描述这些参数及其类型。 ibm

This section describes how you can customize the report using BIRT report parameter and grouping functionality to enable dynamic pagination by the user.
本节描述如何使用 BIRT报告参数和分组功能定制报告,以允许用户使用动态分页。 ibm

To facilitate this task, BIRT provides the Data Explorer View.
BIRT提供了数据浏览视图以简化该任务。 infoq

Using an external style sheet allows you to link to a style sheet located in the BIRT resource folder.
使用一个外部样式表允许你链接到 BIRT资源文件夹中的样式表。 infoq

You can enable many reporting functions using BIRT's report designer graphical user interface.
通过使用 BIRT的报告设计器图形用户界面,可以实现很多报告功能。 ibm

You can put BIRT reports into any type of project.
您可以将 BIRT报表放到任意类型的项目之中。 ibm

BIRT is an open source reporting tool.
BIRT是一种开源的报表工具。 ibm

BIRT reports obtain data from data sources and data sets.
BIRT报表从数据源和数据集中获取数据。 ibm

BIRT supports retrieving images from a URI, embedding the image in the design, dynamic images BLOB from a data source, and image files in a resource folder.
BIRT支持获取 URI中的图片以及嵌入在设计器中的图片,来自数据源的动态图片 BLOB以及文件夹中的图片文件。 infoq




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