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词汇 三位一体
释义 三位一体 sān wèi yī tǐ 常用成语
trinitytriunitytriunetriplicitythe Trinity繁体三位一軆近义亲密无间;水乳交融反义格格不入;势不两立变体三位一體辨形“位”,不能写作“味”。辨形“位”,不能写作“味”。俄文единство трёх элементов
拉丁文tria juncta in uno我俩没儿没女,洁琼常来,可以说是三位一体,宛如一家 ★扬《第二次握手》联合式:作宾语;定语;指一个整体;含褒义。毛泽东《为争取千百万群众进入抗日民族统一战线而斗争》:“为什么提出'巩固和平';'争取民主';'实现抗战'这样三位一体的口号? 张解释: 基督教把圣父耶和华;圣子耶稣;圣灵圣父;圣子共有的神的性质称为三位一体。后用来泛指三个人;三件事或三个方面联成一个整体。老舍《诗与快板》:“在远古的时候,诗;舞蹈和音乐原是三位一体,分不开的。”
陈残云《沙田水秀》:“他们在官僚;地主;‘大天二’三位一体的重压下,过着猪狗不如的生活,丰收不是他们的,‘谷仓’不是他们的。”近义词 亲密无间水乳交融
反义词 势不两立格格不入
三位一体的三人合而为一人,尤其用来指基督教的三位一体Being three in one. Used especially of the Christian Trinity.
上帝基督教的上帝,尤指三位一体的象征The Christian God, especiallythe Trinity.
厄普约翰,理查德1802-1878生于英国的美国建筑师,为哥特风格复兴中的一位执牛耳的人物。他的设计包括纽约城的三位一体教堂1846年British-born American architect who was a leader of the Gothic revival. His designs include Trinity Church in New York City.
基督教义中的三位一体指的是圣父、圣子和圣灵。Thetrinityin Christianity refers to the union of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.“本地”、“当季”、“有机”已经成了神圣的三位一体。
Words such as local, seasonal and organic have become a holy trinity. yeeyan

This was the idea of the “ impossible trinity”: that a country could not simultaneously have a fixed exchange rate, be open to capital flows and operate an independent monetary policy. ecocn

The doctrine of the Trinity was only developed centuries; after the writing of Genesis; you can't read it back in there,its anachronism.163

The Doctrine of the Trinity.163

But one theory holds that this superstition arises from a Christian belief in the Holy Trinity: Since a ladder leaning against a wall forms a triangle, “ breaking” that triangle was blasphemous. yeeyan

Strong demand for coal, agricultural and container services—the “ holy trinity” of freight— has trains running at full steam. ecocn

Ancient Egyptians acknowledged One infinite God, Almighty, and Creator but added the confusing concept of trinity to the Unity of God.

For example, the Nicene Creed, that proclaims that the doctrine of the Trinity becomes orthodox.163

Even the Toleration Act of1689 excepted anti- Trinitarians. yeeyan

So there are in essence two levels of fear that the Triad gates will assist you to deal with.

So the Doctrine of the Trinity developed in the later centuries, after the New Testament.163

His grim prediction is based on the “ impossible trinity”: an economy cannot control domestic liquidity and manage its exchange rate if its capital account is open. ecocn

It brings in the Trinity, so you have Trinitarian theology becoming a bit more solidified at the council of Nicaea.163

It is a powerful way to influence the “desirable” part of the holy trinity of good design useful, usable, desirable. yeeyan

Delaware required an oath affirming belief in the Trinity. yeeyan

What we have not seen in this semester is what you would call correct Trinitarian doctrine in the New Testament, it's just not there.163

On the morning of the16th of July, I was stationed at the Base Camp at Trinity in a position about ten miles from the site of the explosion. yeeyan

Newton’s extensive anti- Trinitarian pamphlets are, in my judgement, the most interesting of his unpublished papers. yeeyan

Still, some official maps identify the place, which is50 miles by road and boat north of Athens, as Trinity Island. yeeyan

That has been my experience at Trinity. yeeyan

杜兰大学 Tulane University建筑学院的院长肯尼思•施瓦兹表示,新奥尔良可以说是一个“三位一体”的城市。
New Orleans has something of a holy trinity, says Kenneth Schwartz, dean of Tulane University's architecture school. fortunechina




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