词汇 | 一鼓作气 |
释义 | 一鼓作气 辨形“作”,不能写作“做”。 辨析一鼓作气和“一气呵成”;都有“一口气把事情做好”的意思;有时可以通用。但一鼓作气偏重在鼓足干劲;趁热打铁;多用来形容战斗时振奋精神;鼓足干劲;勇往直前;“一气呵成”偏重在安排紧凑;迅速完成;多用来形容写文章或做事过程中不间断;不放松;一口气把它写完或做完。 辨形“作”,不能写作“做”。 辨析一鼓作气和“一气呵成”;都有“一口气把事情做好”的意思;有时可以通用。但一鼓作气偏重在鼓足干劲;趁热打铁;多用来形容战斗时振奋精神;鼓足干劲;勇往直前;“一气呵成”偏重在安排紧凑;迅速完成;多用来形容写文章或做事过程中不间断;不放松;一口气把它写完或做完。 歇后语水里的蛤蟆;曹刿论战 法文profiter de l'ardeur des débuts 俄文одним духомбез перерыва 德文unter vollem Einsatz der Krǎfte in einem Zug 曹刿既非武将,也非文臣,但深通兵法。他得悉齐国发兵来犯,鲁庄公准备抵抗,便主动要求面见庄公。他的亲友邻人劝他:“国家大事,自有那些天天吃肉的大官管着,你何必瞎操心?”曹刿说:“那些大官目光短浅,不会有深谋远见。” 曹刿见了庄公,首先提出:取信于民,是战前重要的政治准备,也是获胜的保证。并要求作战时允许他一起去,于是庄公便叫他同车出发。在长勺的地方,齐;鲁两军相遇。双方列成阵势,战斗即将开始。只见齐军大擂战鼓,准备进兵。庄公也准备擂鼓迎击。曹刿阻止道:“等一等。”齐军见鲁军没有反应,又擂了一通鼓。这样齐军擂鼓三通,鲁军总是按兵不动。直到齐军三通鼓罢,曹刿才说:“现在可以进兵了!”鲁军战鼓一响,下令冲杀,士兵们一声呐喊,直扑敌阵,猛不可当。齐军大败,狼狈而逃。 庄公正想下令追击,曹刿却又阻止,并下车细看地面齐军兵车轮迹,又攀上车前横木,注意暸望敌军退走的情形,然后说:“现在可以追击了!”庄公当即下令追击。鲁军乘胜前进,把齐军全部赶出国境。 这次获胜,鲁庄公却不明由曹刿为什么这样指挥。曹刿说:“战,勇气也。一鼓作气,再而衰,三而竭。彼竭我盈,故克之战斗,主要是靠勇气。第一通鼓时,士兵们勇气最足,到再擂鼓时,勇气有些衰落;到第三通鼓,勇气更全部消失了。敌军勇气消失,我们则一鼓作气,斗志昂扬,所以打败了他们”。曹刿又说:“齐国军力不能低估,说不定会设下伏兵,诈败引诱我们。我‘视其辙乱,望其旗靡’,这才放心追击 ”。“辙乱”,轮迹混乱;“旗靡”,旗帜倒掩,说明仓皇逃窜。 补充说明:“一鼓作气”;“再衰三竭”和“辙乱旗靡”,出处即《左传》所载“曹刿论战”的故事。做任何事情,趁一开始情绪高涨;干劲旺盛时全力以赴,这叫“一鼓作气”。一鼓作气,把进攻的目标攻下,叫做“一鼓而下”。如果事情老干不好,原有的勇气和力量逐渐衰退而尽,就叫“再衰三竭”。出处《左传·庄公十年》。 【注意】含褒义。 反义词 Kadra used this disappointment as a catalyst to set up a Somali women's team in west London, changing attitudes about women's football and bringing women in the local community together. This idiom later meant to get something done with one sustained effort. The Lakers have22 regular- season games left, enough time to collect themselves and find the resolve to push through the rest of the season. Since we have painted the living room, why don't we go the whole hog and paint the kitchen? The following season the Lakers came with a vengeance and climbed their way to the top once again. You may be tempted to rush, fearful that you will lose an opportunity if you don't push things through to completion, but just the opposite will be true. Does the president's speech presage a newly energetic sally by the administration into this thankless daunting battlefield? Then a drum annoy to create soft and charming body Zi. It is true that it is hard to walk on, please take care of yourselves. The Three Gorges Shu Path suggests promotion and good luck. If we step up at one fling we will get promoted and have good luck. The mountain road is very steep and difficult to climb, but everybody's fervor does not reduce, upward crawls in one vigorous effort. It's hard to get Congress moving, so why undermine the current sense of urgency with half measures? His original plan had been to proceed to Neidenburg but this changed due to an intercepted Russian radio message. They pressed on without letup until they got to the top of the hill. They painted the kitchen and then decided to go the whole hog and do the other rooms as well. She kept her head straight and ran towards Mrs. Douala’s class. I thought we started well and after scoring the first I thought we could go on and kill them. It got us in the game again and after that we were just pushing for the winner. Then one day BANG your brain will snap and you will suddenly“ get it”. Julia pedaled all the way, to Annabel’s house, not even noticing that Mrs. McKinley was in her office, calling Arius Floors for science fair packages. If no accident, Lakers is going to send them home for fishing in game 4. Her youthful body all of a sudden came to my sight, as if a lotus flower in sunshine blooming before me. Empowered by the wine, I cleanly removed her last defense. Kelly decides to go the whole hog. Apart from having a new hairstyle, she wants to dye her hair dark blue. Melendres researches and outlines a report first, then tries to complete the writing in one long push over a weekend. |
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