词汇 | 一言九鼎 |
释义 | 一言九鼎 歇后语皇帝爷开金口 平原君到了楚国后,立即与楚王谈及“援赵”之事,谈了半天也毫无结果。这时,毛遂对楚王说:“我们今天来请你派援兵,你一言不发,可你别忘了,楚国虽然兵多地大,却连连吃败仗,连国都也丢掉了,依我看,楚国比赵国更需要联合起来抗秦呀!”毛遂的一席话说得楚王口服心服,立即答应出兵援赵。 平原君回到赵国后感慨地说:“毛先生一至楚,而使楚重于九鼎大吕。”九鼎大吕:钟名,与鼎同为古代国家的宝器。 成语“一言九鼎”由这个故事而来,形容一句话能起到重大作用。 【注意】含褒义。 反义词 Obama is now the big Daddy in black culture and when he speaks it’ll matter. In my father's awe-inspiring impression but loving, authoritative; Thus, distinguished product names will be the trump for you to conquer the target market. Three years later Danton had led the overthrow of the French monarchy, been appointed first minister of France and was the dominant voice in the National Convention. Is the source of the so-called authoritative, is the symbol of the emperor as good as gold! BG George Yeo, then Minister for Information and the Arts, played a crucial role when he called for the villa to be developed into a historical landmark in 1994. That nonsense was ended by an edict from no less a wielder of strong opinion than Teddy Roosevelt. |
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