

单词 一视同仁
释义 一视同仁 yī shì tóng rén 常用成语
with no discrimination in treating people繁体一視同仁近义天公地道;等量齐观;相提并论反义另眼相看;厚此薄彼正音“视”,不能读作“sì”。
法文ne pas faire acception de personnetraiter pareillement sans discrimination
俄文одинаково относиться ко всем без исключения
德文jn ganz gleich behandeln警察却不怕自行车,更不怕洋车和三轮儿。他们对洋车和三轮儿倒是一视同仁,一个不顺眼就拳脚一齐来。朱自清《回来杂记》紧缩式:作谓语;宾语;定语;状语;形容平等对待;中性词。唐·韩愈《原人》:“是故圣人一视同仁,笃近而举远。”解释: 一视:一样看待。仁:仁爱。唐·韩愈《原人》:“是故圣人一视而同仁,笃近而举远。”解释: 本指对百姓一样看待,同施仁爱之心。后泛指对人对事不分亲疏远近;高低贵贱,都同等看待。元·无名氏《杀狗劝夫》一折:“为什么小的儿多贫困,大的儿有金银,爹爹妳妳阿,你可怎生来做的个一视同仁。”
孙犁《告别·书籍》:“书无分大小;贵贱;古今;新旧,只要是我想保存的,因之也同我共患难的,一视同仁。”近义词 并列并重等量齐观视同一律比量齐观同等看待不分畛域因人而异天公地道相提并论天地公道不偏不倚老少无欺
反义词 厚此薄彼量才录用趋炎附势另眼相看因材施教另眼看待欺软怕硬不分畛域
她对两个儿子一视同仁。She makes no difference between her two sons.
上帝对所有的人都一视同仁。All men are equal in the sight of God.
本办事处无论对谁均一视同仁!Nobody gets preferential treatment in this office!
死亡对每个人都一视同仁,它会降临到每个人的身上。Death does not discriminate; it comes to everyone.不管怎样,是否能对男女的外貌一视同仁,对于消除女性歧视尤为重要。
However, it is important that if physical attractiveness is weighed equally for men and women to avoid discrimination against women. kekenet

And where Kyoto put the burden of responsibility squarely on the rich countries that created the climate crisis, the new plan treats all countries the same. yeeyan

But for this competition to benefit us both, it must take place on a level playing field with rules that are clear and treat all countries fairly and equally. hxen

All sorts of colleges seem to have been guilty of shabby marketing. They should be treated the same. ecocn

The policy of encouraging indigenous innovation provides the same treatment for all enterprises that operate on Chinese soil, and foreign enterprises will not be excluded. putclub

Mr Colbert is equally rude to all his guests. ecocn

European leaders made amends two years later by declaring that“ Turkey is a candidate state destined to join the union on the basis of the same criteria as applied to other candidate states.” ecocn

The EU’s structure—which pretends that all member states, of whatever size, are equally important— does not fit well with the hardheaded business of relations with big, powerful neighbours. ecocn

God cares about the well-being of good people; Nature is blind, an equal-opportunity destroyer. yeeyan

The community as a whole owns the means of production and thus the profit is shared equally with everyone. yeeyan

The department’s director agreed, and announced that from now on all prisoners will get the same meal. ecocn

He told them that in our area, we are known as a refuge; we treat all victims of the conflict equally, no matter what side they’re on. yeeyan

John Kerry believes in an America where all Americans can afford the same health coverage our politicians in Washington have for themselves. ebigear

Meanwhile, those who would be screaming down a megaphone for full disclosure if the problem banks were Argentine or Brazilian should apply the same discipline closer to home. ecocn

Natural disasters are acts of nature, not acts of God. God cares about the well-being of good people; Nature is blind, an equal-opportunity destroyer. yeeyan

In the European Union all banks will have to implement Basel 2, so that they can be treated equally, as European law requires. ecocn

Granting the same treatment to domestic and foreign-invested enterprises, we hope the latter will work to improve their own competitiveness and abide by China's laws and regulations. www.fmprc.gov.cn

I was equally uninterested in Chicago and, later, New York, cities with actual China Towns. bbs.mytimes.net.cn




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