词汇 | 一衣带水 |
释义 | 一衣带水 俄文отделённый полосой водыузкая полоса 德文ein Wasserstreifen 一次,隋文帝向仆射高颖询问灭陈的计策,高颖回答说:“江南的庄稼比江北成熟得早,我们在他们的收获季节,扬言出兵,他们一定就会放弃农时,屯兵防守;他们作好了准备,我们便不再出兵。这样来几次,他们便不会相信。等他们不作准备,我们突然真的出兵渡江,便可打得他们措手不及。另外,江南的粮食不像我们北方屯积在地窖中,而屯积在茅;竹修建的仓库中,我们可暗地差人前去放火烧毁它,如果连烧几年,陈朝的财力就大大削弱了,灭掉它也就容易得多了。” 隋文帝采取了高颖的计策,经过七年的准备,在公元588年冬下令伐陈。出发前,他对高额说:“我是天下者百姓的父母,难道能够因为一条像衣服带子一佯狭窄的长江的阻隔,而不去拯救那里的老百姓吗?”隋文帝志在必得,派晋王杨广为元帅,率领五十万大军渡江南下,向陈朝的都城建康发动猛烈的进攻,并很快就攻下建康,俘获了陈后主,灭掉了陈朝。 反义词 Australia is a short boat ride away and its cattle breeders are among the world's most efficient. Moreover, the scenic area of the famous Piano Island, the International Architectural Museum and Drum Wave Islet, are separated only by a narrow strip of water. Japan is China's important neighbors, narrow strip of water, agricultural technology between China and Japan to carry out a very long history of exchanges. Japan is the close neighboring country of china, the television medium development is situated the world advanced ranks. Japan is our neighbor, which is great power not only in economy but also in shipping industry. He said that China and Japan are close neighbors separated by only a strip of water and the friendly exchanges between the Chinese and Japanese people can be traced back to2,000 years ago. We cherish our relationship with Japanese people and always believe that two neighbors separated by a small strip of water need to develop and keep friendly relations through future generations. China and Japan are close neighbours separated only by a strip of water. As neighbors separated only by a strip of water, China and Japan have enjoyed close economic cooperation and frequent personnel exchanges. China is the hometown of goldfish, whereas Japanese as neighbors, and China has a long history of cultural exchange. China and South Korea took the close friendly neighboring country, harmoniously developed since old times. China and Japan are neighboring countries with history of thousands of years of economic relation, possess the natural advantage of economic cooperation. China and Japan are the close neighboring countries with their history of more than 2000 years and with close connection in politics, economy and culture. China and Japan are close neighbors separated by just a strip of water. The relations between our two countries have a history of more than 1000 years. China and Japan are neighbors of a narrow strip of water, but also learn from each other in the mirror. Whereas China and Japan are neighbors, their culture and education share both similarities and unique features. China and Japan are close neighbors facing each other across a narrow strip of water. Over two thousand years China and Japan are neighbouring countries. Recent Japanese earthquake, shocked the world, whereas in neighboring China as a more, we need to think positive we later in the road. As the neighbors connected by waters, both countries have witnessed a long history of friendly exchanges. Japan is the oversea neighbor of China, whose clothing culture reflects their political situation, economic level, living custom and natural environment. |
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