词汇 | 一箭双雕 |
释义 | 一箭双雕 辨形“雕”,不能写作“凋”;“碉”。 辨析一箭双雕和“一举两得”;都有“做一件事得到两种收获”的意思。但一箭双雕是比喻性的;多出于鄙夷或戏谑的口吻;指达到两个目的或一下子打中两者;一般不用于庄重的场合;“一举两得”是直陈性的;多指得到两种好处;可用于多种场合。 辨形“雕”,不能写作“凋”;“碉”。 辨析一箭双雕和“一举两得”;都有“做一件事得到两种收获”的意思。但一箭双雕是比喻性的;多出于鄙夷或戏谑的口吻;指达到两个目的或一下子打中两者;一般不用于庄重的场合;“一举两得”是直陈性的;多指得到两种好处;可用于多种场合。 歇后语一块石头打两只斑鸠 俄文одним выстрелом убить двух зáйцев 德文zwei Geier mit einem Pfeil abschieβen--zwei Fliegen mit einer Klappe schlagen 那时,北方游牧民族突厥首领摄图,和北周友好相处,互派使节往来。为了炫耀各自的实力,双方都选派有勇有智的人充当使者,但傲慢的摄图对北周派来的使者大都瞧不起。 有一次,长孙晟被派去陪同正使宇文神庆出使突厥。摄图见到长孙晟后,一改往日对北周使者的轻蔑态度,竟要求宇文神庆将长孙晟留下来。宇文神庆答应了摄图的请求,长孙晟就这样留在了突厥。整整一年过去了,摄图还是让长孙晟继续跟随在自己身边,不让他回北周,而且,摄图每次出猎,总要长孙晟陪同。 一天,摄图在毡帐前看见空中有两只大雕盘旋着,正在争夺一块肉。他很有兴致地喊来长孙晟,并叫人拿两枝箭递给长孙晟,命令他把两只雕射下来。 长孙晟接过箭,迅速翻身上马飞驰而去。他渐渐离大雕的位置很近了,只见他拉弓搭箭,认准目标一箭射去,竟射穿了两只大雕的胸膛!两只大雕顿时一齐落地。长孙晟一箭双雕的高超箭术,博得了在场的突厥士兵的连声喝彩,摄图也异常高兴,他下令重赏长孙晟,并要求部下向长孙晟学习箭术。 后来,杨坚夺取北周政权,建立了隋朝。突厥及其他少数民族国家趁机进攻隋朝,为北周复仇。这时,长孙晟已回到隋朝。他凭借自己的智谋和勇武以及对突厥内部情况的了解,帮助杨坚多次打退了突厥的进犯。 后人根据这个故事引申出“一箭双雕”这个成语,比喻做一件事而达到两方面的目的。 【注意】参见一举两得提示。 反义词 It means to achieve two goals with one action. It is the expression for achieve a dual purpose. Not only will you be saving the environment, you’ll be saving your heart as well. Bonus! By reading English articles, you can kill two birds with one stone. You can improve your English and learn more foreign cultures. The criminals follow a double strategy: One way the victims are weakened, injured, tortured and intimidated. The public prosecutor on third the wicked wolf which kills two birds with one stone this attempt, according to hindrance independent suspicion of offense prosecution. Nazi art often took a dual approach: it made the masses feel a part of their movement while excluding its enemies, such as Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals and the disabled. When planning your career, don't forget to consider how a family will fit into it if you want one. If you follow the XML style guidelines presented here, you will kill at least two birds with one stone. He is trying to kill two birds with one stone. The formation of a foreign legion seemed therefore to be an ideal method of killing these two birds with one stone. Therefore, putting RMB exchange rate on the table, the US government can not only set up a target, but also give the unemployed an explanation of their situation. Also, promotion of condom use among high-risk groups allows us to kill two birds with one stone, with regard to preventing sexually transmitted HIV and other STIs. This is a perfect way to kill two birds with one stone. Why don't we use it? This is also a kind of mutual understanding, and I hope to be the result of kill two birds with one. The purpose of the process is twofold. Erdoes wanted to expand internationally and enlarge hedge fund and private equity operations. On one of her first days on the job she found a way to do both. Maintaining the lesbian mystery kills two birds with one stone: the press writes about both her and gay rights. The trick is remembering that a little is better than none and that you can do two things at once. |
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