词汇 | 一筹莫展 |
释义 | 一筹莫展 辨形“筹”,不能写作“愁”。 辨析一筹莫展和“束手无策”;都有“拿不出什么办法”的意思。但“束手无策”语义重;较形象;一筹莫展指想不出办法来对付。 辨形“筹”,不能写作“愁”。 辨析一筹莫展和“束手无策”;都有“拿不出什么办法”的意思。但“束手无策”语义重;较形象;一筹莫展指想不出办法来对付。 歇后语参谋皱眉头 法文ne savoir plus que faireà court de moyens 俄文никакого выхода не находить 德文sich keinen Rat wissen nicht aus noch ein wissen “陛下,您得做好以下三件事,才能称得上是一个好皇帝。一要恭亲,对父母长辈孝顺;二要重贤,任用有真才实学的人为官;三要爱民,对天下百姓要宽厚仁爱。而要做到这三件事,首先得从搞好教育入手。但是,近些年来,有那么一些人到处造谣诬陷好人,致使一些大臣害怕招惹是非而不能好好地施展自己的才能,也使您接触不到大多数有抱负的臣子。朝廷里有才学的大臣虽然不少,但真正有实际作用的办法却没有拿出来。”即“多士盈庭而一筹莫吐。” “陛下,如果再不重视教育,鼓励讲学,树立良好的学习风气,后果将不堪设想。望陛下三思。”人们根据以上故事把“一筹不吐”引申成“一筹莫展”这个成语,比喻束手无策,无法可想。 【注意】❶注意筹的写法。❷含贬义。 反义词 Bob Lawrence, a director of the zoo, was all set to call for assistance when his jeep broke down, until Five the elephant decided to give him a helping hand. As the adult book world turns digital at a faster rate than publishers expected, sales of e- books for titles aimed at children under8 have barely budged. But they are now scratching their heads. How to take account of Russia’s interests, when its idea of respect from the outside world is based on fear? While I was worrying over this possibility I was one day summoned upstairs to my father. A congenitally deaf child isn't so lucky: unless someone realizes very early that he's not talking because he can't hear, his grasp of communication may never progress beyond the rudiments. Similar hopes were voiced after lawmakers approved a free- trade deal with Peru this past fall, but the three pending deals still languish. Although Darwin was the son and grandson of physicians, the most eminent doctors of the day were flummoxed by his symptoms. You will easily comprehend, from these particulars, that Mr. Wickham's circumstances are not so hopeless as they are generally believed to be. Some of the things you're doing might be on the difficult side. Student life may be getting tough. Farmers are struggling to produce crops, and ranchers are worried about watering their cattle. Angry demonstrations last year made it clear that the poor are frustrated. Yet it has made little headway on its promise to reduce the power of bureaucrats, especially in ministries such as agriculture, health, education and justice. Mathematical brilliance was supposed to model risk with precision, but the models evaporated along with the liquidity that they had failed to quantify. So one has to wonder how Microsoft managed to fail so miserably with the WCF framework. The Liberal Democrats are also due to take a pasting. For a company that's so brilliant at marketing, it seems to have absolutely no clue about crisis management. As an example of top-down, state- driven development, the Tazara had also come up short. And remember, says another grandee, Mr Clegg“ didn't grow up with the party”: not for him years of doorstep canvassing on wet weekends, or drudgery on a local council. China's dirigiste ambitions versus its often chaotic reality, its competing fiefdoms and its ideological uncertainty put it over a barrel. Flummoxed by his true- false final exam, a student decides to toss a coin up in the air. It is hard as a mom to see this and not be able to fix it. Between the threats of comet and weevils, the farmers were running low on optimism. Nothing in Stempel's engineering background had prepared him for this kind of multi-pronged crisis. Wallonia’s ruling Socialist party faces a pasting in regional elections next month. EPAIN FILMS zombies are dealt with using anything from automatic weapons to kitchen implements. In banking few countries seem to have the guts to tackle their walking dead. |
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