单词 | 一笔勾销 |
释义 | 一笔勾销 辨形“勾”,不能写作“夕”。 辨析一笔勾销和“一笔抹杀”;都含有“全部销去”的意思。一笔勾销是用笔勾画。比喻全部取消;不再计较;“一笔抹杀”是用笔涂抹;比喻全盘否定。 辨形“勾”,不能写作“夕”。 辨析一笔勾销和“一笔抹杀”;都含有“全部销去”的意思。一笔勾销是用笔勾画。比喻全部取消;不再计较;“一笔抹杀”是用笔涂抹;比喻全盘否定。 歇后语秀才卖菜;阎王爷点生死簿 法文passer l'éponge sur le passéannuler d'un trait de plume 俄文уничтóжить одним рóсчерком 德文einen Schluβstrich unter etwas ziehen 范仲淹刻苦好学,一有机会就向有学问的人请教,随着年龄的增长,他越来越渴望到更广阔的天地里建功立业。宋真宗大中祥符四年公元1011年,二十三岁的范仲淹辞别母亲,不远千里来到北宋南都应天府今河南商丘,进入应天书院攻读。求学期间,他废寝忘食,昼夜苦读,从不浪费分秒时间,一连几年都是这样。由于生活日益贫困,有时他一天只能吃上一顿饭,从没有脱下衣服好好睡过一个舒服觉。范仲淹有个同学是南都留守的儿子,对范仲淹勤奋苦学的精神相当钦佩,就告诉他的父亲。留守听了很是感动,让他的儿子带些好酒好菜送给范仲淹。盛情难却,范仲淹只得收下。可是他并没有去享受这顿美餐,而是任由这些食物放在那里直至腐烂。留守的儿子很不解,就去问范仲淹为什么这样做。范仲淹说:“我对令尊的美意心存感激,只是我喝粥已成习惯,并不觉得苦;如果我现在就贪图美味,以后怎么能再吃得下苦呢!” 有志者,事竟成。四年后,范仲淹高中进士,不久就出任广德军司理参军,他回家把母亲接来,恢复了自己原来的姓名。 宋仁宗康定元年公元1040年,西夏进犯,边关告急。范仲淹主动请缨,要求到陕甘边疆去担负抵御西夏进犯的重任。由于范仲淹治军有方,爱抚士卒,在反击西夏进攻的战斗中,军民一心,频频取得胜利。从此,西夏人不敢再轻易进犯。在范仲淹的努力下,双方正式议和。 由于抵御西夏有功,范仲淹被调回京城担任副宰相一职,开始在政治上大展鸿图。他联合富弼;欧阳修等人进行改革,开始实行“新政”。 范仲淹推行“新政”雷厉风行,对官员的考核与任命极为严格。他亲自取来各地官员名册,一个个检查他们的任职情况,对于那些碌碌无为的官员毫不心慈手软。当他发现有人“在其位,不谋其政”时,就将此人的名字从名册上一笔勾销,逐出官场,另外选拔一些比较干练的人上马。富弼对范仲淹素来恨敬重,看到他在整肃吏治上如此不留情面,不免有些担心,便从旁劝阻说:“把一个人的名字从名册上一笔勾掉很容易,可是这样一来,被勾去名字的人就要全家痛哭了!”范仲淹斩钉截铁地回答道:“他一家人哭,总比他们祸害千家万户,让千家万户悲哭要好得多吧!” 遗憾的是,由于改革触犯了贵族官僚的利益,遭到他们的强烈反对,不到一年便夭折了。范仲淹也被贬到陕西任四路宣抚使。 反义词 The EFSF could be used now to wipe the slate clean but it will quickly be tapped out if the banks need further cash or if the revenue shortfalls in the peripheral countries grow. Don't be fooled any longer. Cross these items off your list for good! And the young firebrand Muqtada al-Sadr was written off as a street thug rather than the leader of a loose-knit but significant grassroots movement among the Shia poor. Poland’s debt was written off, but Russia’s was not. It is too early to write Mr Dion off. The operation wasn't perfect: I would much rather bin Laden had been taken alive and put on trial, rather than summarily executed. But if the market eventually turns against him his capital may be wiped out. The BIS report points out that a long period of low interest rates in Japan during the 1990s allowed banks to refinance loans that ought to have been written off. Accept and believe that God has wiped the slate clean. When we think we have all the answers about another person, when we think we know their whole story, we can label them and categorize them and write them off. Oh, and her juvie record. That’s got to be gone, like, forever. The second is to protect German banks, many of which hold Greek bonds, which makes them reluctant to accept any debt write-down. We might as well call the deal off. Defaulting on a student loan is particularly painful to the defaulter, moreover, because the unpaid balance of a federal student loan can’t be discharged in bankruptcy. A year later, the1932 Lausanne conference tried to write off almost all of Germany's war debt, but the proposal failed to pass US Congress. In the past, loans made by state banks to big government- related businesses created a significant amount of bad debt that had to be written off. If you’ll just give it back, we can forget the whole thing. The best way to do that is to create a layer of debt that regulators can write off, or convert into equity, if necessary. The interest rate is pegged to the rate of inflation, and the debts of those who never earn enough to repay the state are written off. And the government, unlike Japan's in the1990s, has plenty of money if necessary to write off bad loans. |
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