词汇 | 一窍不通 |
释义 | 一窍不通 辨形“窍”,不能写作“窃”。 辨析一窍不通和“一无所知”。都含有“一点也不懂;什么也不知道”的意思。但一窍不通偏重在“明白”;常用于知识方面;“一无所知”偏重在“不了解”;多用于具体事物方面;也可以用于知识方面;使用范围较广。 辨形“窍”,不能写作“窃”。 辨析一窍不通和“一无所知”。都含有“一点也不懂;什么也不知道”的意思。但一窍不通偏重在“明白”;常用于知识方面;“一无所知”偏重在“不了解”;多用于具体事物方面;也可以用于知识方面;使用范围较广。 歇后语十窍通九窍;大杆杖吹火;扁担吹火;眼瞎耳聋鼻塞嘴哑 法文complètement bouchéstupide 俄文абсолютный профанполный невежда 德文etwas überhaupt nicht verstehen dafür geht jm jedes Verstǎndnis ab 他整日胡作非为,并不尽心朝政,沉湎于酒色,轻信宠纪担己的谗言,过着荒淫无耻的生活。 纣王有一个臣子叫比干,是一位忠心的良臣。他看到纣王如此昏庸,心中十分着急,多次苦口婆心劝谏纣王改邪归正,为民多做好事。 有一次,纣王听信了妲己的话,下令杀害了无辜的梅伯,并要把梅伯剁成肉酱。比干知道此事后,又急忙劝谏纣王,希望他不要听信妲己的谗言,错杀无辜,并说这样下去是要亡国的。比干一连几天极力劝谏纣王,引起了纣王的极大不满。 纣王愤怒地嚷道:“我早就听说圣人的心有七窍,我要把他杀了,取出心来看个究竟!”纣王果真杀了比干,并挖出了他的心。孔子说起这件事,感叹道:“纣王心窍不通,如果通了一窍,那么比干就不会被杀害了!” 汉·高诱注:“纣性不仁,心不通,安于为恶,杀比干,故孔子言其一窍通则比干不见杀也。” 【注意】多含贬义。 反义词 But I understood none of this at the time and sat there in increasingly uncomfortable bewilderment, imagining all the while that I had breached some arcane nicety of local etiquette. What if you're not a programmer? Or what if you do know how to program but realize that it will simply take more time than it's worth? But beyond its Simpsonian pedigree, this complex use of language would be entirely opaque to Watson. Keep in mind that as they enter6th grade, many of them essentially know nothing about music or playing an instrument. You're talking about a subject you don't know the first thing about. You might be a great writer but terrible at design. The first is that Obama is clueless about business. Although this individual knows nothing about wine, orchestras or opera, he or she is seeking to identify him or herself as a culturally literate person simply because the person is now wealthy. He doesn‘t know beans about insurance business at all. He is utterly ignorant of staff stave. Fishing is a closed book to me. I know nothing about accounting. I don’t know anything about grammar. I knew none of this— if indeed I know any of it now and am not just making patterns in the air, but as I thought back then on what had excited me, the excitement came back. I have no idea about fashion these days, which is why I dress so plainly. A man may be ignorant of the arts and yet have every virtue under the sun. There are some things that we understand, but about which animals know nothing. Both of these strategies are necessary, but they’re not enough on their own, because financially illiterate consumers are always going to be easy victims. Moreover, this proves that one can be a fine genius, and yet understand nothing of an art to which one does not belong. When it comes to politics I know nothing. Using a visual interface, even the not so technically minded can quickly put together a service to deal, say, with travel requests or approve documents. |
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