

单词 一杯羹
释义 一杯羹 yī bēi gēng 常用成语
a cup of soup一杯肉汁。多指可分享的部分利益。繁体一桮羹包括 BBC和卫报传媒集团在内的竞争对手,看到默多克在英国媒体的汤中分得了最大的一杯羹,都将咬牙切齿痛哭流涕。
Rival media outfits, including the BBC and Guardian Media Group, will wail and gnash their teeth at the prospect of Rupert Murdoch taking a larger slice of the British media pie. ecocn

But Microsoft is not the only one bidding for a piece of the personal- robot pie. yeeyan

No wonder that all the big carmakers are fighting like rats in a sack to win the largest piece of the action. ecocn

Retailers that it has hitherto chaperoned online may now want to set off on their own rather than share the spoils. ecocn

一些美国政界人士对于欧洲公司 EADS能在这样大宗的国防品交易中分得一杯羹表示愤怒。
Some American politicians are angry that EADS, a European company, should be given a slice of such a big defence deal. ecocn

It means the niche is thriving and you have a better chance of getting a piece of the pie. yeeyan

In principle, giant countries such as India or China have more companies competing to manipulate the government for a share of the spoils. ecocn

By this stage millions of people had invested their life savings in shares or borrowed heavily, in an attempt to share in the boom. yeeyan




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