

单词 一本正经
释义 一本正经 yī běn zhèng jīng 常用成语
in a serious manner繁体一本正經近义道貌岸然;不苟言笑反义油嘴滑舌;油头滑脑;嬉皮笑脸正音“正”,不能读作“zèng”。
法文d'un air sérieux,de gravité
俄文священно действоватьс серьёзным видом
德文todernst allen Ernstes他说话从来都是一本正经,不苟言笑。偏正式:作谓语;定语;状语;形容人对事的态度;中性词。姚雪垠《李自成》第一卷第26章:“我原是故意闹别扭,也知道自己要挨打,可是一板正经地对先生说:‘我这个破题做的很恰切,没有做错。’”解释: 形容神态举止端庄严肃。林海音《五凤连心记》:“阿烈哥去拿来了笔墨纸砚,一本正经地在笔记老掌柜的救人无数的那帖膏药的制法。”


近义词 负责认真道貌岸然不苟言笑义正辞严郑重其事油嘴滑舌油头滑脑正色庄容正襟危坐事必躬亲面孔铁板凛若冰霜声色俱厉一丝不苟
反义词 不伦不类嘻皮笑脸油头滑脑嬉皮笑脸油腔滑调油嘴滑舌不三不四不苟言笑打情骂俏摇头晃脑吊尔郎当
他装作一本正经,可是你看得出他是在开玩笑。He pretended to be serious, but you could tell that he had hi tongue in his cheek.
一本正经的态度,是肉体为了掩饰精神上的缺陷而作出的一手花招。Solemnity is a trick of the body to hide the faults of the mind.
我从不知道亨利是高兴还是烦恼,他总是一本正经的样子。I never know whether Henry is pleased or annoyed; he has a real poker face.“吃还是不吃!”妻子一本正经地说道。
“ Eat or not eat!” the wife said. kekenet

“ My mum said there have been more murders here recently, ” she explains confidingly. yeeyan

“我听过托尼·布莱尔 Tony Blair抱怨说,你们都有反美情绪,”当时她穿着粉红色的学生装,看上去一本正经。
“ I was listening to Tony Blair moaning about you all being anti- American, ” she says, ever-so- prim in her pretty pink pinafore. yeeyan

And she saw what he meant, and she believed him, too; because how could he have touched her when she, the real she, wasn’t even in the same room or, possibly, the same universe that he was in? yeeyan

Most material from this late Qing era is stuffy, formal and posed, but Thomson's work is full of life. yeeyan

Two weeks ago, both the administration and the Fed announced with straight faces that the recession was over and the signs of economic recovery were clear. yeeyan

America is false to the past, false to the present, and solemnly binds herself to be false to the future. yeeyan

那时人们在街上抗议还是有危险的,但是当伊丽娜波莉苏弗娜在当天晚报上看见他们一本正经登出的告示,她这一次没有骂他们“流氓” 。
Street protests still had an edge of danger then, but when Irina Borisovna saw their earnest placards on the evening news she did not, for once, say “ hooligans”. yeeyan

That evening, I sat down seriously with the book, but I still understood very little; actually, nothing. yeeyan

“If I'm honest, I was her, ” says Emma Watsonhere wearing a dress and necklace by Chanel and rings by Nina Ricci, about the similarities between herself and Hermione Granger. hjenglish

Everyone is so busy working, you don't have time socialising, and even if you are socialising, you are putting on a fake face. yeeyan

Humour, rather than earnest diatribes on the peaceful nature of Islam, is the best way of defusing suspicion, he says. ecocn

他抬起头笑出声来,因为他想起了把猫送回她家时两人一起谈论板球的情景。 相比之下,乔这副一本正经的神态显得十分逗趣。
And he looked up and laughed outright, for Jo's prim manner was rather funny when he remembered how they had chatted about cricket when he brought the cat home. kekenet

They are too serious, too academic and not imaginative enough. ebigear

Is their face blank and matter- of- fact, or does it have a smirk? bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

They mince and prim and pout.《21世纪大英汉词典》

Nay, if you are so serious about it, I shall consider the matter as absolutely settled. hjenglish

As at the border between Russia and Mongolia, the crossing into China was a rather sweaty affair involving more officious border guards and customs officers, and lengthy checking procedures. yeeyan

Asked by an MP, primly, if he had frequent meetings with British prime ministers, Mr Murdoch replied, with the faintest hint of a smile: “ I wish they'd leave me alone.” ecocn

这就更大程度上说明 Facebook不会那么做。因为 Facebook公司是众所周知地一本正经,他们曾因删除哺乳的图像而出名。
And it means a lot if Facebook is cool with it, because the company is notoriously prim— it has been known to delete images of breastfeeding. yeeyan

There is a humourlessness to too much sheen. ebigear

Another hour of the divine comedy passed and finally, I was into the next circle of hell: Russian customs. yeeyan

A country which tends towards primness by day is often alcohol-fueled and lustful by night. ecocn




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