词汇 | 一日千里 |
释义 | 一日千里 辨形“里”,不能写作“礼”。 辨析一日千里和“日新月异”;都形容发展迅速;进步很快。但一日千里偏重在前进得快;“日新月异”偏重在变化快。 辨形“里”,不能写作“礼”。 辨析一日千里和“日新月异”;都形容发展迅速;进步很快。但一日千里偏重在前进得快;“日新月异”偏重在变化快。 歇后语关公的赤兔马 俄文семимильными шагамистремительное развитие 德文sich rasch entwickeln mit Siebenmeilenstiefeln vorwǎrtsschreiten 后来,赢政回国做了秦王,太子丹也在秦国做人质,赢政不但没有顾念旧情;加以特别照顾,反而处处冷待;刁难他,太子丹见此状况,便找了个机会,逃回了燕国。回国后,太子丹一直耿耿于杯,想报复赢政。但由于国家小,力量薄弱,难以实现自己复仇愿望。 不久,秦国出兵攻打齐;楚;韩;魏;赵等国家,渐渐逼近了燕国。燕国国君害怕极了,太子丹也忧愁万分:就向他的老师鞠武求教能够阻挡秦国侵吞的好办法,鞠武说:“我有一个好朋友,名叫田光,他很机智,有谋略,你可跟商讨一下。” 田光请来了,太子丹非常恭敬地招待了他,并说“希望先生能替我们想个办法,抵挡秦国的侵吞。” 田光听了,一言不发,拉着太子丹的手走到门外,指着拴在大树旁的马说:“这是一匹良种马。在壮年时;—天可以跑千里以上,等到它衰老时,劣马都可以跑在它的前面。您说这是为什么呢?”太子丹说:“那是因为它精力不行了。” “对呀!—现在您听说的关于我的情况,都还是我壮年的事,您不知道我已年老了,精力不行了。”田光停了停又接着说:“当然;虽然有关国家的大事我已无能为力,但我愿向您推荐一个人,我的好朋友荆坷,他能够承担这个重任。 后来,太子丹结交了荆轲,派去行刺秦王,但最后行刺以失败告终。 【注意】含褒义。 反义词 If so, walking may have evolved in leaps and bounds, rather than gradually, among ancient hominids. Scientific developments have been fast and furious. Indeed, Yan Qi's meteoric rise, like that of the city, is difficult to explain by logic alone. With the continuous developments in the industry, the PARTRICKE brand also develops rapidly. It has been recognized by the world for its earnest, serious attitude and superb technique. With China's military spending galloping higher and the Pentagon's about to crash, the United States will need all the help from its allies it can get. The solar energy science and technology change rapidly. In short, things are changing very, very fast, and they're not going to slow down. In an increasingly globalised world, HKU also has a clear responsibility to further bridge China and the world, and to facilitate the process of internationalization of higher education in China. It is universally acknowledged that the new era of knowledge economy presents great challenges, with the rapid development in technology and the revolutionary changes in knowledge. Overtaking Japan speaks as much to Japan's economic malaise as it does to China's spectacular growth. |
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