词汇 | 一意孤行 |
释义 | 一意孤行 辨形“孤”,不能写作“狐”。 辨析一意孤行与“独断专行”;“专横跋扈”;都有“不考虑别人意见。办事主观蛮干”的意思。不同在于:一“专横跋扈”含有“蛮横;霸道”的意思;语气较重;一般只用于掌权者;一意孤行和“独断专行”;多形容缺乏民主作风;语气较轻;而且不限于当权者;一般人也可用;应用范围较宽。 二一意孤行和“独断专行”的不同在于一个“断”字。“独断专行”表示“独立作决定和行事”;一意孤行本身不含“断”;只含有“按自己的意愿行事。” 辨形“孤”,不能写作“狐”。 辨析一意孤行与“独断专行”;“专横跋扈”;都有“不考虑别人意见。办事主观蛮干”的意思。不同在于:一“专横跋扈”含有“蛮横;霸道”的意思;语气较重;一般只用于掌权者;一意孤行和“独断专行”;多形容缺乏民主作风;语气较轻;而且不限于当权者;一般人也可用;应用范围较宽。二一意孤行和“独断专行”的不同在于一个“断”字。“独断专行”表示“独立作决定和行事”;一意孤行本身不含“断”;只含有“按自己的意愿行事。” 法文n'en faire qu'à sa tête 俄文своевольничатьпоступать своевольно 德文eigenmǎchtig handeln eigensinnig seinen Weg weiter verfolgen 【注意】含贬义。 反义词 The White Dragon Society has asked them to please avoid killing innocent people if they do go ahead and use their weapon. Protecting half of the country while leaving the other to Qaddafi would harden the provinces’ resolve to go their own ways. But Iran, perched on a cushion of high oil revenues, is betting on staring them out, all the while perfecting its enriching skills. Members of Congress, Republicans and Democrats alike, have long pushed U. S. administrations to put more pressure on China over its trade policies, and they are getting their way. Many of al- Qaeda’s commanders disagreed, predicting that an enraged United States would focus its fury on the terrorist group and its allies, but bin Laden pushed ahead. If Iran carries on regardless, the council may once again divide between those who will and those who won't take military action. But an Iraq- entangled America shows little appetite for new battles. Anyone accepting the money should“ think long and hard” about whether keeping it was appropriate“ given the performance of the company, ” he said. Mugabe knows he cannot go it alone. If Mr Netanyahu refuses to stop all settlement- building on the West Bank, as Mr Obama is demanding, the Palestinians may then dig in their heels and refuse to resume talks. If Japan acts arbitrarily, China will take further actions and Japan must bear all the consequences that arise. If Japan obstinately clings to the wrong path, it has to bear all the ensuing consequences. Its hard to see who would lose more if Mr. Sarkozy and Mrs. Merkel get their way—neither workers in the east nor taxpayers in the west would benefit from such a move. They argue that without a clear political mechanism to cope with wayward countries, the euro is doomed to repeat the sort of crisis it has suffered this year. I protested, but she carried on regardless. Part of the problem is crass intransigence by the opposition. However, for the diehards who wish to do physics in spite of a bad job market, you may plan to have a “fall- back” job to pay the bills e.g. programming while you conduct research on your own time. Being a founder of the company, he went off and did them regardless of whether it ended up being good for the company. The difference is one of style, and Turkey will continue to diverge from the United States if Washington tries to realize its vision with hard power instead of the soft power that Ankara wields. Being so caught up, So mastered by the brute blood of the air, Did she put on his knowledge with his power Before the indifferent beak could let her drop? If Japan clings to its course, China will take further action. |
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