单词 | 一尘不染 |
释义 | 一尘不染 辨形染,右上部是“九”,不是“丸”。 辨析一尘不染和“一干二净”都形容很干净。但一尘不染语义重;有“一点灰尘也不留”的意思;还可以形容人不受坏风气的影响;“一干二净”形容的只是一点不剩。 辨形染,右上部是“九”,不是“丸”。 辨析一尘不染和“一干二净”都形容很干净。但一尘不染语义重;有“一点灰尘也不留”的意思;还可以形容人不受坏风气的影响;“一干二净”形容的只是一点不剩。 歇后语水洗玻璃;高山上的雪莲 法文intègreimmaculé 俄文идеáльная чистотáни пылинки 弘忍感到自己渐渐老去,便想在弟子中寻找一个继承人。这天,他召集众僧,要求每人作一偈梵语“颂”,即佛经中的唱词,以便了解各人的道行深浅。神秀悟道颇深,当即在寺院的廊壁上题了一首偈诗:“身是菩提树,心如明镜台。时时勤拂拭,勿使惹尘埃。” 偈诗中所说的“菩提树”,即古印度的毕婆罗树,它是一种普通得犹如杨;柳;桐;槐那样的树。当年,年轻的悉达多王子在结束了六年的苦行之后,就坐在一棵毕婆罗树下悟道成佛,被后世尊为释迦牟尼。人们为了感念佛祖证悟人生真理的不朽功德,把他悟道时给予他遮护的毕婆罗树称为菩提树,也就是觉悟之树。弘忍大师见到后大为赞赏,让众僧都来诵念此偈。 一天,慧能听到有人诵读神秀作的偈语,就感叹道:“听起来确实很妙啊!可惜,境界不是很高。”到了夜间,慧能央求一名会写字的僧人在神秀的偈语旁边另题了一首自己作的偈诗:“菩提本非树,明镜亦非台。本来无一物,何处惹尘埃。” 慧能的偈子表达的是一种出世的态度,它的主要意思是,世上本来就是空的,看世间万物无不是一个“空”字,心本来就是空的话,就无所谓抗拒外面的诱惑,任何事物从心而过,不留痕迹。这是禅宗的一种很高的境界,领略到这层境界的人,就是所谓的开悟了。 弘忍大师看到这个偈子后,问身边的人是谁写的,当他听说是慧能后,就命人将他叫来,并当众批评慧能:“你写的乱七八糟,简直是胡言乱语!”说完,又亲自擦掉了这首偈诗,然后在慧能的头上打了三下,转身就走了。众僧之中,唯有慧能真正理解了五祖的意思。 这天夜晚,三更时分,慧能来到弘忍的禅房。在那里,弘忍向他讲解了佛教最重要的经典之一《金刚经》,并将衣钵传给了他。 慧能得法后,悄悄回到南方,隐居了十五年,才前往曹溪宝林寺。随后,他又在韶州大梵寺说摩诃般若波罗蜜法,并传授无相戒。嗣法弟子有行思;怀让;神会;玄觉;慧忠;法海等四十余人。后来,法海汇集慧能的言行为《六祖坛经》,这就是南宗。神秀在弘忍圆寂后,前往荆州当阳山玉泉寺,二十余年中门人云集,这就是北宗。经过神会的弘扬,南宗遂成为禅宗正统,从此独尊天下。而神秀创立的北宗则门庭寂寞,几代之后就衰亡了。 【注意】含褒义。 反义词 But Facebook is no angel either on privacy matters. It isn't keeping a spotless house and preparing perfect meals. It certainly isn't pretending things are normal when they are not. Do not expect that debate to be as placid as the spotless sun. The room was spotless and silent. THE first thing you notice about Karen Allen’s house is that it is spotless. Back in a spotless control room where blue- suited technicians monitor the new computer system, he notes another issue. As the train pulled in, Djuro made a final inspection of the by now spotless buffet car. Regardless of how filthy your past has been, your future is still spotless. It’s a cool night, but Beacon Cottage is warm, welcoming and spotlessly clean. And, you can find him keeping the post office spotlessly clean six days a week. And if I know people are coming over to my condo, I run around like a mad man and make it spotless before they arrive, because I'd like them to think that I'm clean and organized all of the time. If I took the time to make my house spotless, I would be spending NO time with my child. They lived upstairs in spotless quarters, although the bathroom was in the backyard. The kitchen they stood in was tiny but immaculate, the counters nearly bare, the cabinets polished steel. They held themselves at a slight remove from other men, gowned in spotless white or, on occasion, pastel- colored robes that somehow proved immune to the dust that covered every inch of the town. We learned to love a spare- looking room, and the amazing feeling of sitting or lying around in a room that was clean and uncluttered. Then the researchers started keeping the animals in clean cages. Really clean cages, in which the bedding, food, and water are sterilized. A spotless cab pulled up. Some can be polluted and alive, others spotless and sterile. The apparatus is spotlessly clean. The train was as clean and spruce as I remembered it—the sheets on the bunks immaculately laundered, the windows all decorated with fresh lace curtains and a potted plant. As tall as Jack, Hensley was thinner, more compact under a perfectly tailored charcoal- gray suit and spotless white Egyptian cotton shirt, a tie of cornflower blue. Mobile phones, laptops, MP3 players— they conjure images of spotless semiconductor factories and the eternal summer of Silicon Valley where the digital economy was born. |
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