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词汇 一劳永逸
释义 一劳永逸 yī láo yǒng yì 常用成语
make a great effort to accomplish something once and for all to save future trouble繁体一勞永逸近义一了百了;当反义劳而无功;徒劳事倍功半正音“逸”,不能读作“yí”。
法文s'assurer une tranquilité durableune fois pour toutes
俄文раз потрудиться,чтобы век не знать забот
德文etwas ein für allemal erledigen“一劳永逸”的话,有是有的,而“一劳永逸”的事却极少。鲁迅《花边文学 再论重译》连动式:作谓语;宾语;定语;指一次解决问题;含褒义。汉·班固《封燕然山铭》:“兹可谓一劳而久逸,暂费而永无宁者也。”解释: 逸:安逸。辛苦一次,可以得到永久的安逸。北魏·贾思勰《齐民要术·种苜蓿》:“此物长生,种者一劳永逸。”
方方《乌泥湖年谱·1963年》六:“单靠修堤防是不行的,只有修了三峡,才有可能一劳永逸地解除洪水对两岸人民的威胁。”近义词 一了百了一了百当
反义词 徒劳无功劳而无功事倍功半
一劳永逸的解决办法solution that holds good for all time;a permanent solution此外,要是工人阶级真的一劳永逸地赢得了这场斗争的胜利,又将怎样呢?
Furthermore, what if the working class actually won this struggle once and for all? yeeyan

But to nail deflation once and for all, bolder steps by monetary and fiscal authorities are needed. ecocn

The moment our minds crossed the threshold of the new century, we also crossed the threshold of reality once and for all. yeeyan

To a lot of environmentalists, the priority is to get nuclear power out of those discussions once and for all. hxen

The only way to reduce the risk that this effort will again falter because of politics is if members of both parties are willing to take responsibility for solving this problem once and for all. hxen

How can you stop this pattern once and for all, especially in the middle of summer social activities? ebigear

Place the Olympic games back on Greek soil once and for all. ecocn

If you try to tackle too many projects or goals at once, you will likely not have enough willpower reserve to accomplish them all. examw

It seeks to determine-- once and for all--which kinds of problems can be solved by computers, and which kinds cannot. yeeyan

In an attempt to settle the matter once and for all, Nepal this week launched a two-year geodesic survey to measure the Himalayan peak. yeeyan

Germany acted to avert the imminent financial collapse of several countries, but often late and never decisively enough to resolve the crisis once and for all. ecocn

I was tired of getting new glasses every few years so I decided to solve my eyesight problem once and for all and have laser surgery. ebigear

我相信将 ITIL V3应用于 SOA治理问题上将会一劳永逸的解决这个争端——只有一种 SOA。
I believe applying ITIL V3 to the SOA governance problem settles this debate once and for all— there is only one SOA. infoq

I'm only writing this article because many people have asked why I gave it away, so I thought I'd write my long explanation once and for all. yeeyan

I'll be a President who harnesses the ingenuity of farmers and scientists and entrepreneurs to free this nation from the tyranny of oil once and for all. ebigear

Hence it should be noted that, in conquering a state, its conqueror should weigh all the injurious things he must do and commit them all at once, so as not to have to repeat them every day. yeeyan

And so she'd decided it was time to end the problem once and for all. yeeyan

And in the coming years, this law will close the doughnut hole completely once and for all. putclub

Indefinite life extension becomes a reality; people die only if they choose to. Death loses its sting once and for all. yeeyan

Knowing what a fraction represents is one thing, the authors say, but repeatedly seeing and manipulating all those fractions by slicing and cloning drives the concept home once and for all. kle100

How many more HIV incidents will occur in the adult industry before changes are made once and for all? yeeyan

None of her predecessors since1967 have managed it, but she would have to stop, once and for all, Jewish building on Palestinian land. ecocn




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