词汇 | 一丝不苟 |
释义 | 一丝不苟 辨形“苟”,不能写作“荀”。 辨析一丝不苟和“一丝不乱”;都有“办事认真”。但一丝不苟偏重于“不苟”;有一点也不马虎的意思;“一丝不乱”偏重于“不乱”;有布置或收拾得非常整齐;一点也不零乱的意思。 辨形“苟”,不能写作“荀”。 辨析一丝不苟和“一丝不乱”;都有“办事认真”。但一丝不苟偏重于“不苟”;有一点也不马虎的意思;“一丝不乱”偏重于“不乱”;有布置或收拾得非常整齐;一点也不零乱的意思。 法文mettre beaucoup de ponctualité et de minutie à exécuter une chose 俄文со всей тщательностьюне упускать ни одной мелочи 德文etwas sehr genau nehmen sorgfǎltig und exakt 一天,乡绅张静斋与举人范进相约去拜访高要县知县汤奉。汤知县置酒招待他们。席间有位老者给汤知县送来了他与其他几个信回教的人拼凑起来的五十斤牛肉。汤知县一向贪赃受贿,而且他也是信奉回教的人,但是上面有禁令,一时也不知该不该收下这份礼。于是问张静斋:“你是做过官的,有关禁止宰杀耕牛的事正该与你商量。刚才有几个信奉回教的人为了开禁,送来五十斤牛肉,请求我对他们稍微宽松些。你看是接受还是不接受?” 张静斋摇头道:“这可千万使不得。你我都是做官的人,心中应当只有皇上,哪里顾得上信奉同一教的人?想起洪武年问的刘老先生指刘伯温;洪武私访到他家,正巧江南张王指张士诚送来一个菜坛子。;当面打开一看,是一坛金子。皇上大为恼火,第二天就把刘老先生贬为青田县知县,后来又用毒药把他毒死了。 汤知县见张静斋说得头头是道,不由得不信,于是急忙请教该如何处置为好。张静斋说道:“世叔可在这件事大作文章。把那位老者抓起来,打他几十板子,再用一面大枷枷了,把送来的牛肉堆在大枷上面,并且在旁边出一张告示,说明他们大胆妄为,知法犯法。如上司知道你办事这样一丝不苟,那么你升官发财就指日可待了。” 汤知县听了,连连点头:“十分有理。”便照此办理了。 【注意】含褒义。 反义词 Meticulously drawn sketches and finalized artwork can take up to an entire career for some artists, and it would be plain wrong to oversee their many attempts on the road to perfection. The writing is crisp and the research meticulous, drawing on reams of documents made publicly available by congressional committees and the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission. Most medical dictionaries and textbooks describe the penis in glorious and meticulous detail, usually with informative illustrations. He is nothing if not systematic, which is great for the meticulous planning of moon landings, less good for quick life surveys. Ewanick built his reputation on meticulous execution and unconventional thinking. The attacks called for meticulous planning and co-operation among an extended network of conspirators, 【yet apparently took the authorities entirely by surprise】. The CYD report was based on the personal archives of a respected “ heritage connoisseur” Pei Guanghui, who for many years has kept meticulous diaries of items bought and sold at auctions in China. Zazen is meticulous work and details are important. Lab- coated technicians on elevated electric carts meticulously prune the crop. She has23 years of documents, depositions, correspondence, receipts and photographs relating to her case, which she has kept in meticulous files. |
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