词汇 | 一丘之貉 |
释义 | 一丘之貉 辨形“貉”,不能写作“鹤”。 辨析参见“一路货色”。。 辨形“貉”,不能写作“鹤”。 辨析见“一路货色”。 歇后语家臭虫说山臭虫 法文chacals de la même tanièrede même acabit 俄文одного поля ягодаодним миром мáзаны 德文Schakale aus demselben Bau Leute von gleichem Schlage 汉宣帝时大将霍光谋反,杨惮最先向宣帝报告。事后被封平通侯,当时在朝庭中做郎官的人,贿赂之风极炽,有钱的人可用钱行贿,经常在外玩乐;无钱行贿的人,甚至一年中也没有一天休息。杨惮作中山郎后,便把这些弊病全部革除,满朝官员都称赞他的廉洁。但他因少年得志,又有功劳,便产生了骄傲自满,结果与太仆长荣长荣是宣帝旧友,最得信任发生意见。 有一次,杨惮听见匈奴降汉的人说匈奴的领袖单于被人杀了,杨惮便说:“遇到一个这样不好的君王,他的大臣给他拟好治国的策略而不用,使自己自白送了命,就像我国秦朝时的君王一样,专门信任小人,杀害忠贞的大臣,结果国亡了。如果当年秦朝不如此,可能到现在国家还存在。从古到今的君王都是信任小人的,真像同一山丘出产的貉一样,毫无差别呀!”就这样,杨惮被免职了。自古君王勇于改过,不信馋言者能有几人,杨惮仅被勉职,已是不幸申之大幸了。唉! “前汉书”:“杨惮传”的原文是“古与今,如一丘之貂。”丘,土阜也,四边高,中央低的土堆;貉,音鹤,俗称树貉,状似狐小,毛黄褐色,深厚而温滑,可做皮袍。后来的人将这两句话引申成“一丘之貂”一句成语,来此喻同类没有差别,像在同一个山丘里生长的貂一样,形体都是相同的。 这成语在应用时,都是用来形容反面的事物,即使是形容否定的事物;含有不屑一谈和讥诮的口吻。例如说有一群人专门造谣生事,无事生非,故意与人为难,他们中间没有一个是好人,就可说:这批东西都是“一丘之貉”,那有一个是好人呢! 【注意】❶注意“一丘之貉”的“貉”读hé。❷含贬义。 反义词 Political and media elites as a whole— and the closeness of the two camps— are wearily deplored. The Obama camp accused Mrs Clinton of Bush-like support for invading Iraq and shaking up rogue states at one point she even threatened to “ obliterate” Iran if it attacked Israel. Obama and Bush are the same. They are only tools to implement the plan of Congress. The Republicans had hitherto been nervous about raising“the black issue” for fear of being branded“ racist”, or the “ Hillary is a liar issue” for fear of being tarred with Ken Starr's brush. The federal stimulus package falls into the same category. America has formal diplomatic ties with Syria, and its diplomats bump into their Iranian counterparts all the time at multilateral forums such as the UN. These two attitudes— populism and elitism— seem different, but they’re really mirror images of one another. Now, cynical as circumstances had taught him to be, he began to think the government of the8th Route Army the same as any other government. In scandal, as in robbery, the receiver is always thought as bad as the thief. He also noted that Punjabi militant groups, such as Lashkar-e- Jhangvi, and others, such. He also noted that Punjabi militant groups, such as Lashkar-e- Jhangvi, and others, such as al-Qaida and the Tehrik-e- Taliban, are one and the same. Some lawyers in Washington even suggest that Mr Cox only sided with investors because he was convinced that they had almost no chance of support from the Supreme Court. POLITICIANS tend to tar all bankers with the same brush. The important part is to endure BOTH parties are on board. And since neither party even questions free trade its clear they are both on-board. Some disciples whom cheated around and broke commandants, they were birds of one feather and formed a small clique. Tens of thousands of refugees had been killed in his journey west; in that sense Kabila was no better than his predecessor. Nakajima said. “ All imperialist powers were part of the same gang to him.” |
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