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词汇 Zu
释义 Zu zu: 高BNC⁷³²²⁶Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

evil storm god represented as a black bird近义词 Zubird古巴比伦的风雨神…
A- ming: Do you know the girl named Mei- zu?
阿明:你知道美如这个女孩吗? iciba

Mr zu Guttenberg is expected to survive a parliamentary inquiry, thanks largely to his soldierly sheen and his popularity with voters.
多亏他的显赫的军人身份和在选民中的极高人气,古登堡很有可能成功应对国会质询。 ecocn

The armed forces are overloaded with civilian personnel and top-heavy with officers.Mr zu Guttenberg has created a“ structural commission” to suggest solutions.
武装部队里文职人员庞杂、官僚成分冗繁,部长先生已经成立一个“结构委员会”来提供解决方案。 ecocn

With just6,700 of its 250,000 troops deployed abroad it is “at the limit” of its capacity, says Mr zu Guttenberg.
古腾贝格先生表示:25万军人只有6700人派驻海外,它就是德军作战能力的瓶颈。 ecocn

An indigenous25mm cannon employing a mount closely modeled on the Russian ZU-23-2.
该型防空炮是一种仿制自俄罗斯 ZU-23-2型防空炮的国产25毫米炮。 globalmil

At a campaign event in Baden- Württemberg, the biggest of the three states, Mrs Merkel accused Mr zu Guttenberg’s foes of “ hypocrisy and mendacity”.
巴登-符腾堡州是上述三个州中规模最大的一个,在该州的一次竞选活动中,默克尔指责古滕贝格的对手们“伪善且无信”。 ecocn

CDU and CSU leaders began to ask if they could stand as upholders of personal responsibility and intellectual- property rights with Mr zu Guttenberg in his post.
基督教民主联盟与基督教社会联盟的领导人开始提出疑问:在古滕贝格留任的情况下,他们是否还能捍卫个人责任与知识产权? ecocn

Chancellor Angela Merkel, who was reluctant to lose the popular Mr zu Guttenberg, replaced him with a Christian Democrat stalwart, Thomas de Maizière.
总理默克尔对失去很受欢迎的加滕伯格很不情愿。加滕伯格的位置将由托马斯德马哲热代替,此人是基督教民主同盟的坚定分子。 ecocn

He has none of Mr zu Guttenberg’s charisma, but is close to the chancellor and, more important, has the managerial skill to see through a complex military reform.
他虽全无古滕贝格的魅力,但与总理关系密切,更重要的一点在于他有着完成一场复杂军事改革的管理才能。 ecocn

It is above all Mr zu Guttenberg's rhetoric, which feels uplifting and bracingly candid, that has endeared him to German voters.
这些就是古滕贝格令人振奋和鼓舞的言论,这让他在德国赢得了选民的青睐。 ecocn

Mr Putin's anti- American speech at a conference in Munich last month seems— as Mr zu Guttenberg puts it—to have been “ rather ridiculous, but effective”.
上个月,普京先生在慕尼黑的一个会议上的反美演说似乎“相当荒谬,但是有效”——按照 zu Guttenberg先生的说法。 ecocn

Mr zu Guttenberg’s resignation could help the CDU’s rivals, if only because he will not campaign. But it might just mobilise party supporters.
仅仅是因为古滕贝格先生的辞职迫使他放弃参选,就将有助于 CDU的竞争对手,但这也仅仅只能调动反对党派支持者积极性。 ecocn

Mr zu Guttenberg’s successor as defence minister is Thomas de Maizière, the CDU interior minister.
CDU内政部长托马斯•德迈齐埃将接替辞职的古滕贝格,转任国防部长。 ecocn

Mr zu Guttenberg’s allies envy his popularity, but they need him.
古滕贝格的盟友们甚至有点嫉妒他的人气,但他们确实需要他。 ecocn

Mr zu Guttenberg’s resignation could help the CDU’s rivals, if only because he will not campaign.
古滕贝格的辞职可为基督教民主联盟的对手们帮一把忙,这至少是因为他将不再参选。 ecocn

Mr zu Guttenberg wants it to be “ more professional, faster and more flexible” and able to“ deploy our soldiers anywhere in the world,” he told Der Spiegel.
古腾贝格先生告诉《德国明镜》周刊:要将德军发展的“更加专业化、行动更加迅速、更加灵活机动”,能够“将德国士兵部署在世界任何地方。” ecocn

Mr zu Guttenberg has created a “ structural commission” to suggest solutions.
古腾贝格先生已经成立了“结构改革委员会”提议解决方案。 ecocn

Mr zu Guttenberg has done one big thing: ending conscription, which had been a bulwark of Germany’s post-war order.
另外,古滕贝格还做了一件大事:结束征兵制度,这个曾经是德国战后秩序的一个壁垒。 ecocn

Mr zu Guttenberg knows this.
古滕贝格也知道这些。 ecocn

Mrs Merkel had tried to defend Mr zu Guttenberg, saying that she had hired a minister, “ not a research assistant”.
默克尔曾试图为古滕贝格辩护,声称自己雇佣的是一名部长,而非一名“研究助手”。 ecocn

So far Mr zu Guttenberg has not realised these plans.
目前古滕贝格还没有透露相关的计划。 ecocn

They come from Walter Otremba, a defence-ministry official who refined the recommendations of a commission set up by Mr zu Guttenberg.
这些都来自国防部的一个叫沃尔特·奥瑞巴 Walter Otremba的人,他精减了古滕贝格设立的推荐委员会。 ecocn




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